YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 12, 2021



Hey there.  Nice to have you stop by for a little visit.  It finally feels like winter here in Arizona.  We have snow up in the mountains and we have had rain here in the valley.  My vertigo has gone away thanks to my awesome physical therapist.  Hopefully, it will decided to take a permanent vacation. 

On to my progress this week.

I finished my DIL's hat.  This is it with a messy bun.

And with a ponytail.  The pattern is ponytail-poof hat and is free on Ravelry.  I had a real hard time making gauge on this hat.  I was using a worsted weight yarn (at least it said it was on the band) but when completed, it could have fit a third grader.  I tried changing needle size but that gave it too much of an open weave.  I finally broke down and bought the yarn used by the designer.  It is not an expensive yarn by any means.  I just didn't want to buy yarn.  LOL  Once I got the proper yarn, it only too me a couple of evenings to complete the hat.

Then there is the sweater........................

It is pretty easy knitting now that it is joined and being knit in the round.  I have a couple more inches to go and then I will be starting on the ruffled bottom.  My plans are to make this longer than the pattern calls for.  I bought quite a bit of extra yarn just for that purpose.  My idea of having this completed in time for our trip in January is starting to fade.  In a weeks time I only got about 6 inches completed.  That means in 2 weeks I could have the ruffle done and then there are still sleeves and a neckline to do.  We will see how it goes.

That is all for my knitting this week.  Oh!  I did finish the gusset on my sock.  But, it is in time out until I get this sweater completed.  I have another sweater I want to do waiting patiently for me to cast on as soon as this one is done.

My physical therapist told me that movement (walking, exercising etc) has shown to help keep vertigo at bay.  So I have been making a conscious effort to move more daily.  One afternoon, I went to Sam's Club just so I could walk around without being bored.  I spent about 45 minutes just walking.  Ok, I did buy my hubby a container of dry roasted peanuts.  But that was all.  Another day I went to Kohl's and walked all over their kitchen department.  Hubby was with me that time.  We did end up buying a double air fryer.  

We do so much air frying and right now, I am using 2 air fryers at one time to get our food cooked.  This takes care of that and uses less room than the 2 fryers take up.  It was on sale, I had a % off coupon and store credit so we got it for less than half of what it normally sells for.  Plus, I got lots of steps in while waiting for them to pull it from their stockroom.

After we got that, I delivered my DIL's hat to her house and talked for a little bit with our son and his dog.  Then we went to our cellular store to look at what specials they had.  My phone is about 3-4 years old and the battery is not doing well.  I end up charging it 3 times a day.  On a road trip, I have to carry a portable charger with me so I can charge it while out and about.  It was not fun.  BUT...................I love my phone.  I am used to my phone.  I know where everything is on my phone.  I have organized my phone into folders so I can find things easily.  And then this happened.

I got a new phone.  It is the Galaxy Flip 3 by Samsung.  Notice it is in my favorite color too.  My last 2 phones have been purple.  The above photo shows it closed.  It is nice and compact and fits nicely into a girl pocket on jeans and leggings.

Here it is opened.

Why yes, I do use the wallpapers from Knit Picks each month.  It took me 2 days to get all my folders set back up and figure out how to use the different features of this phone.  So far, I really like it.  Being as small, is nice.  I no longer need a purse with huge side or back pockets to carry my phone.  And yes, I got to do a lot of walking around in the cellular store while waiting for my old phone to transfer all the data to the new phone.

I will leave you with some photos of my Christmas decorations.  I know I showed you my tree, but it was just a half shot.  So here is a photo of the entire tree and also a shot of my fireplace.  The stockings are needlepoint, done by my mom and the framed cross stitch in the fireplace is also done by my mom.  Sweet memories of her during this Advent/Christmas season.

Until Next Time..............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous fireplace and shelf display. With all that stonework it looks like a grotto. Funny, our Christmas decorations (for the most part) are the most easily accessible of our stuff that is still packed, but I can't make myself pull it out until I've cleared more space. By the time I have the space cleared to decorate, I don't think it will be worth the effort. So glad I can enjoy decorations through pictures my blogging buddies provide. :)

  2. Your Christmas decorations are amazing!! So beautiful. It must be so peaceful just to stare at them. I am so jealous of your phone. Hmmmm, I think my phone is acting up. :) I have to chuckle at how your walking is leading to new purchases. But it is the season isn't it??! Your DIL's hat turned out great. I understand your under estimating how long knitting ends up taking. Especially true this time of year when I seem to have many unexpected distractions.

  3. your decorating is beautiful! what a fireplace!! I am done with all the Christmas knitting unless I knit for my husband...maybe. I hope the vertigo goes away soon!

  4. You got a lot done on your sweater and it is really looking nice! the hat is so cute! I need one of those for my bun to stick through! LOL! So glad the vertigo is doing better! Love the Knit Picks wallpaper on your new phone. Your decorations are lovely and enjoy your new air fryers!

  5. That display is amazing. I love you tree too. Mine doesn't go up until Christmas Eve so thank you for sharing yours. Your messy bun toque is great and I am sure your DIL appreciates it. I chuckled at your walking excursions that lead to purchasing things. Maybe you should walk without your credit card - lol. I have an air fryer too and love it for tofu and french fries. I need to start branching out to some other ideas too.

  6. Really glad the vertigo has gone and I hope if is permanent. I love the messy bun hat and progress o the sweater looks great.

  7. Hi Marsha!! Your decorations are beautiful and so is your phone!!! Oh gosh, I'm just counting the days before my old android dies on me. I can't turn it off (or it won't turn back on), the power button doesnt work and I have cracks all over it from dropping it lol...I know I'll have to get a new one soon. I'm so happy to hear that your vertigo is gone, I can't imagine how horrible that was!!!

  8. Your decorations are very pretty. How nice you have items your Mother made to include in your holiday décor. I am noticing things with my phone as well, but have been holding off, I hate getting used to new things. But, I may have to bite the bullet soon. The poney tail hat and sweater are very nice. Vertigo........argh. I get it usually a couple of times a year. Typically it's after doing to much yard work, bending stooping, stretching, but last week out of the blue it kicked in. I've not been doing yard work this time of the year. I did a lot of cleaning and prolonged use of the vacuum which put some strain on my neck...so maybe that's it. My Chiropractor helps some, and I do a couple of exercises geared to help plus some eye stabilization exercise meant to help retrain the brain that you're not dizzy. Some really good u-tube videos. I especially like Dr. Jo. Google her name and Vertigo. You may find it helpful. Take Care.


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