YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 7, 2021


 You may want to grab a snack and a beverage.  There is finally 'stuff' to talk about this week.

The last few weeks were all about me being stranded on sleeve island.  Well, I am no longer stranded.  Rescue has happened.

crappy indoor photo

All pieces are completed.  Now, I just need to convince myself that sewing this together is going to be so much fun.  I have been working on that for the past 4 days.  So far, it has not happened.  It is not like I need this sweater yet.  We are still getting upwards to 90F daily.  Our morning lows are in the 50's which could be sweater weather but it only stays that low for about 2 hours.  Anyway...........I am happy to have it ready to put together.  Then I have a collar do to.  I am not going to do the one in the pattern.  I have my own idea of what I want to do.  Fingers crossed it will work out.

Once that was done I started on my Giant Granny Square blanket.  I put 4 more rows on it.

I am really enjoying this long term project.  My goal is to make it big enough to fit our bed.

As you can see, I have a ways to go.

I do have another finished project this week.

After getting off of sleeve island, I needed a palette cleansing project.  Two dishcloths have been added to my stock pile of cloths.  This finished up my sugarwheel cotton from hobby lobby.  It is super soft and stays that way even after washing.  Also, they do not shrink like Sugar and Cream cloths do.

But wait, there's more!!!!

I finally finished this cross stitch piece.  It was started back in March!  It will be given to my daughter since she is the one that gave it to me to stitch.  The reason I did the saying in Spanish is, our daughter is the only 'child' who continued with her Spanish through college.  It is fun to listen to her and my hubby converse in Spanish.  And me?  I pick up a word here and there but I am not anywhere close to being bilingual.

There were treasures delivered this week too.

Knit Picks had a great sale on their Comfy Color Mist yarn.  It is a cotton/acrylic blend.  Since I finished my Roe, I wanted to make some pullover short sleeve sweaters to wear here in our mild fall thru spring weather.

Both of these colors already have patterns assigned to them.  Once I get a swatch made I will start and then let you know which color will go with which pattern.  

I went to JoAnn's yesterday and picked up some yarn for a specific prayer shawl.

My daughter called Friday night and asked if I would make a prayer shawl for a friend of hers who will be undergoing 5 months of chemo.  The above yarn is for that endeavor. 

 I started the To The Point shawl again.  I am hoping to have enough leftover yarn to make her a chemo hat too.

Since I was at JoAnn's, I decided I should go ahead and stock up on prayer shawl yarn.  I was totally out!  Not to mention I had a 20% off coupon for my total order.

Look at all that yummy yarn.  I got enough to make at least 16 shawls (two skeins of each color).  I love the Caron Simply Soft as it is so nice against the skin and washes easily.  I know there are many who find this yarn totally disgusting.  Our prayer shawl recipients are the ones we hear from stating their shawls are so soft and comforting.  That to me is the most important affirmation of our yarn choices.

Hubby and I got our covid boosters on Monday.  Tuesday, I was a little tired but not as bad as after our second injections.  My arm was also sore for a couple of days but so far, that is all the reaction I have had this time.  Hopefully, the rash I got from the other two injections will not happen this time.  (It normally shows up 7-8 days after injection)

The rest of the week was spent doing normal household duties.  Hubby was at a retreat all day yesterday.  That gave me time to vacuum the whole house.  Normally hubby does this but I decided to give him a break.  I also washed down some exterior doors that had a lot of nasty finger prints all over them.  I love doing those little things that normally get overlooked when cleaning is happening.  I think I will wash the windows next........sometime LOL.

Today started daylight savings time for 99% of the US.  Here in Arizona, we do not EVER mess with our clocks.  Hawaii is the only other state to keep their clocks set year round.  Aren't you glad I gave you that small tidbit of info?  Someday it might be on a trivia quiz and you will know the answer.

What's happening in your neighborhood?  

Until Next Time....................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I so wish Ohio would stop this clock messing. I need to contact my local state representative. This back and forth is crazy and unnecessary. Have to laugh at all your "sale" yarn. But a fantastic idea. The purple chemo shawl will be beautiful. "With God, all is possible"?? My daughter too is the only child that continued her Spanish through college. She is a Physical Therapist and it has been a great advantage to her even in South Carolina that she can speak to those that only speak Spanish. Your sweater is beautiful. I suspect it will get a lot of wear once it's seamed.

  2. wow have you been busy! I love the big granny blanket that looks huge until you put it on your bed...Love the cross stitch and all the other projects :)

  3. I'm so happy you are off sleeve island! LOL! I would not look forward to "sewing" the pieces together either. You are really going to town" with your projects! Your point to point shawl is my favorite. It always turns out so pretty no matter what yarn you use. Look at all your new fiber too! I can't wait to see what you make with the Knit Picks sale yarn...good deal! I just ordered some yarn from them. Your cross stitch turned out so sweet. Bless you for all the prayer shawls you make for others.

  4. Yes I remember being in Arizona during the time change March of 2018 and was confused because the clocks hadn't changed. lol. I love the cross stitch for your daughter. I didn't know your hubby was bilingual. I wish I was bilingual. I understand and can speak a little French, and I am pretty good with nouns in Croatian, but that hardly counts as bilingual! I am so glad you were rescued from sleeve island - I hope you can talk yourself into putting it together soon - it will be lovely!

  5. Well I loved being in Hawaii and my dog's and my tummy HATE that our clocks change so this just makes me wish I lived there even more. Arizona would just be way too hot for me, amazing how much of a temperature fluctuation you get in a few hours. Good luck with sewing on the arms, I haven't been brave enough to try anything that needs arms sewn on yet. I'm sure the last thing someone who is in pain or discomfort needs is a scratchy and shrinkable shawl, so your yarn choice sounds ideal and such pretty colours

  6. I hate daylight savings time and messing with the clocks...I wish they would do away with the whole thing. Mind you, I don't really need to mess with my clock since I hardly leave the house! Your yarn is so yummy indeed and I love your white sweater!!! :)


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