YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, November 18, 2021



Hubby and I are finally back home.  It is sure good to be back in our bed after 8 days away.  I wanted to thank all of you who left sweet notes on my last post.  The condolences were much appreciated.  We do have a January date for the interment.  From what we have been told, all VA cemeteries are way behind due to Covid restrictions over the past 18 months.  

One of the upside of all this sadness was seeing relatives we have not been with for months if not years.  From what we have heard, all six of hubby's siblings will be together for the memorial and interment.  That will be the first time in over 30 years!  It will be nice to have them all together again for a couple of days.

I wanted to show you the view I looked at each morning upon waking and then again before going to sleep.

What could be more relaxing than this?

Today I am off to the grocery store to restock us up on fruits and veggies.  There are a couple other errands to run while out too.  Luckily, where we stayed, we were able to do our laundry so that is one chore out of the way.  That gives me time to clean, cook and take care of my plants that were neglected for 2 weeks.  I might even be able to sneak in some quality knitting time.

Until next time.....................................................

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