YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 21, 2019

And Then There Were 9....YOP Update

Running a little later than normal today.  We went to Mass this morning and that makes my 'day' start 2 hours later than normal.  We normally go on Saturday but, last night was Easter Vigil.  It the night all the new Catholics are Baptized, Confirmed and receive their first Communion.  The service lasts anywhere from 2.5 to 4 hours.  Since it didn't start until 8pm, we knew we would not be home before midnight.  We are OLD people!  So after 20 years of attending the Easter Vigil, I finally attended my first Easter Sunday Mass.  Glorious!  

This week has seen me working quite a bit on my Mimi shawl.  Here is where I was last week.

Here is where I am as of 15 minutes ago.

The extension part of the shawl has been started.  This is such an easy crochet project....as long as you count!  I have a feeling my yarn is not going to last as long as others say theirs did.  My crochet is not tight and in fact, I am a fairly loose crocheter.  If needed, I will order another skein of this colorway and work it backwards colorwise until I get the size shawl I like.  You all know I am always worried about playing yarn chicken though so, this might just be me letting that little fearfulness creep in again.

The HES socks only got love when I was out and about.

Someday, hubby will get these socks in his drawer.  I have another Dr appointment this week so the socks will see some love for sure that day.  My Dr is ALWAYS behind schedule so I will have plenty of knitting time while there.

I am starting to peruse toe up sock patterns.  It has been a couple of years since I have attempted toe up socks.  The idea of that technique is appealing to me again. The other thing I want to do is make 'no show' socks for our sneakers.  Have any of you made 'no show' socks and do they stay up?   Socks that slide down the heel make me a little crazy.  Let me know and what pattern you used or do you just wing it?

We are getting ready to head out for Easter dinner.  This year we decided to go to a restaurant.  There has been so much illness in the family over the past 2 weeks, it did not make sense to expect anyone to cook and clean up for 8 of us.  We will be happy to pay someone to do it!  After dinner we will head to our son's house for a bit of relaxation, game playing and possibly a bit of swimming.  (Not me....the water is still a bit too cool for my liking)

So I will leave you with this message:

Image result for happy easter images

Until next time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ooo....swimming at Easter? I am jealous! Your mimi is coming along very very nicely.

    1. I did not go in the pool. Only one person did and he only was in for about 5 minutes. Still a bit too cool for most of us.

  2. Your shawl looks lovely and is growing quickly. I have had many pairs of commercial no show socks that end up scrunched inside the toe end of your shoe....so if you get a suggestion that works please do share it in a later post.

  3. Happy Easter! Love how the shawl is coming along (is that a Whirl?) and the HES socks are progressing nicely.

  4. I like the color change on your shawl! And swimming at Easter! Ah, the joys of living in the southwest! A quiet Easter for me this year. I wasn't feeling up to par so I stayed home and watched some When Calls the Heart on Netflix. Some of the acting is a bit overdone, but it's a great story line, and well... I'm hooked. Have a good week, Marsha!

  5. I remember as a child Easter Vigil Mass being at midnight and it was my favourite, I do love the Easter Vigil mass myself but here although you can be confirmed/baptised at the ceremony they tend to happen throughout the year so we don't always have those at the mass making it not so long. I hope you enjoyed your Easter dinner out, someone else doing the cleaning up sounds blissful and I'm a little jealous of swimming at Easter time, although we are experiencing some wonderfully sunny and warm weather at the moment.
    Great progress on your shawl Marsha and I can really see that colour change now, it is very subtle isn't it. I've not made no show sneaker socks, the sneaker socks I use for running I purchased...shhh I know really I should have made them! I have made anklets, so they are just over the tops of my runners (sneaker just sounds wrong in my head when I'm typing it lol). For those I used the Sundae Socks by Shannon Squire, it's a great pattern with toe up and top down versions, they are just not as short as the kind you are wanting but perhaps some others have adapted them to be as short.

  6. What a lovely Easter you had! Your shawl is looking so good and so are hubby's socks. I woldn't mind a pair in that colorway...they are really cool! I too am interested in 'no show socks' but I have no info. I know a bunch of people were making Rock City Rollers pattern? I hope I got that right or is Rose City Rollers? But I have no idea if they slipped down or not. I will be interested in what you find out. Happy Easter and enjoy your knitting at the doc's!

  7. Oh look at that shawl now it's been fixed. And hubbys socks will be done in no time. I have knit a lot of rose city rollers and they don't fall down. I make sure they have a long foot and fish lips kiss heel, they come a little higher than the shoe.

    1. Thank you so much. Rose City Rollers have been in my library for a while. They will be the ones I try. I will also use the FLK heel. It is so easy to do!

  8. We went to an Easter Vigil Mass at a Mother House (convent) so NO ONE is being baptized and it's 2 hours instead of forever. Call me crazy but 2 hours is a bit much but my family wanted to attend that one! Happy Easter!

    1. Only 2 hours! You got a gift! Ours ran over 3 hours this year again! I am glad we did not go.

  9. I like how that blue is fading into your shawl. I've been kind of interested in toe up patterns also because I have always felt that the feet take the longest to knit. I haven't knitted no-show's yet but have knitted Rose City Rollers a few times which do show some with the rolled, short cuffs and they are comfortable.


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