YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Free Day

Image result for free day

This is my last 'free day' of this week.  We have scheduled things happening from now until next week Monday.  See?  Being retired does not mean you have more free time.  It means you get re-tired daily.  (see what I did there?)

This is the day I have chosen to go to Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase a (hopefully) wonderful frying pan.  I have the Copper Chef pans at the moment.  Everyone of the frying pans is horrible.  I love the sauce pans and stock pots and the little 8" frying pan.  But the 10 and 12 inch fryers have never been nonstick since the day I bought them!  So frustrating to spend  half an hour every time I use them to scrub a pan (with a nonabrasive scrub pad) that is supposed to be able to be cleaned out with a paper towel.  So today, I will go and purchase a 'good' pan, be it nonstick or ceramic.  But something I can cook in that releases the food......ALL of the food!

The only reason today is frying pan day is.........hubby wants pancakes for dinner tonight.  I made pancakes in my copper chef over a month ago and was so angry by the time I completed all the batter.  Even last night, I was reheating my carnita meat and it stuck like crazy to the pan.  I do not use spray cooking stuff on my pans as that ruins the finish of them.  I may use a 1/2 teaspoon of avocado oil at times so things will brown up but that is it.  I also, hand wash all my cookware.  I am so done with this mess!  ARGGGGG!!!!  

Phew.....I feel better now.

My knitting as been monogamous this week.  I want to complete the "Summer Flies" shawl soon.  My fingers are crossed I can have it off the needles before the weekend.  We have a retreat at Church this weekend and this would be great to wear around my neck and shoulders when I get a little chill.  I am on section 7 of the "My Version of Summer Flies" pattern.  This makes the shawl a bit wider and longer than the original pattern.  It has been an ejoyable knit and I would love to make another in worsted weight next time.  That should make the shawl just about the right size to wear as an actual shawl.

I am off to go frying pan shopping.  My life is so exciting, isn't it?

Until next time.............happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. That is frustrating! I wish I had registered for nonstick pans when we got married. I only use the ones I've gotten at Target which work well. I need to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond because I want to look for the Gleener and use a coupon.


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