YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 13, 2019


Happy Sunday to all of you readers.  Thank you so much for stopping by today.  I hope your day is wonderful and filled with sunshine and calm winds.  We had a nice rain last night and it sure did clean the air around us.  Today our sun is shining and we are in the mid 60's.  While doing my grocery shopping today, I actually had the window in my car rolled down enjoying the fresh air.  Lovely!  My errands for the day are done and it is now time to relax a bit, update my blog, do a bit of knitting and then do a bit of sewing.  A wonderful day for sure!

Here is my FO for the week:

The Advent Scarf 2018 was completed last week Sunday evening.  I have not blocked it yet.  All the ends are woven in though.  This scarf is over 5 feet long and about 8 inches wide.  I can imagine how big it will grow when I block it.  Hence the reason it is still not blocked.  Not sure I want it wider.  Longer would not hurt my feelings though.

Another item worked on this week was this:

The Star Pillow.  Front and back pentagons are completed and I am working on the first point.  It is really very fiddly with all the needles sticking out every which way.  I do not think I will make another one.  I have enjoyed the learning process but it is just way to fiddly for me to just have it sitting around on a bed or sofa.

The socks got a little bit of love this week but not enough for you to really notice any difference in them.  That is all the yarning crafts I have today.  I want to get back to my sewing of project bags.  I have plenty of material now and am ready to start.

This past week saw hubby and I continuing our decluttering of some of our home.  We have completed 2 bedrooms, the hall coat closet, the linen closet, and part of a third bedroom.  We have quite a bit of 'stuff' to put our tomorrow morning for Big Brothers Big Sisters charity.  I am not even able to get a photo of all of the bags and boxes we have piled on top of our pool table.  I posted one last week ↓↓and it is twice that size as of today.  

Otherwise, last week was not too busy.  I did take my BFF to her MRI appointment but she was not able to do it.  She takes meds so she can go into an OPEN MRI and the Dr did not give her the right dosage.  She now has the right dosage and we will attempt this again in a couple of weeks.  She is super duper claustrophobic.

I have the menus planned for the week and all the grocery shopping for the week has been completed.  My pot roast is in the crockpot for tonight's dinner....YUM!  My newest love is my air fryer.  It is being used 3-4 times a week for our dinners.  Hubby found a nice big one on sale at Costco before Christmas and I am now getting the time to play with it.  There has only been 1 dinner I cooked in it we were not happy about...........hamburgers.  They are so  much better off the grill.  

Do any of you use Pinterest?  Oh my, I seem to spend quite a bit of time on it.  It gets used for recipes, hair styles, knitting ideas, fingernail ideas, journaling help, exercise ideas, camera help etc........ It has been a real time saver for me.  It is usually looked at in the evenings.  That way, I can save what I want/need and it is there for me when I am ready to make/do it.

Did you all get your Christmas down?  I just noticed I have 2 wreaths still hanging on my front doors.  I will pull those down today and that will complete our decorations.

That is all for this week.  Time to do some kind of crafting.

Until Next Time.....................Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. Your Advent Scarf is just beautiful, Marsha. I'm curious how long (or wide) you may get it when you block it. And the star pillow is really coming along. That is so far beyond my knitting ability I can't even imagine how fiddly it is. But it's cute, and will surely make a fun pillow when you're done. Good going on the decluttering. I've started a new declutter read this weekend, so I'm hopeful for new motivation. :)

  2. The Advent Scarf looks great Marsha and 5ft long already! Wowzers. Perhaps when you block it just add some length to it and none to the width. Well done on so much decluttering, it must be a wonderful feeling knowing it's done now.

  3. gah! I want to destash and clean up my clutter like you now! I really need to start doing it soon. Looks like your knitting has been fun and good to you! I like Pinterest as well.

  4. That is some serious decluttering done. Feels good doesnt it? That star pillow looks complicated and not an easy project for tv knitting. Looking forward to seeing it done.

  5. The advent scarf is splendid and I'm sure will be well used. I use pinterest when I start something new. I need to make a birthday cake next week - pinterest was my first call - bath bombes - pinterest and so on.

  6. How great to have achieved so much clearing and donating, you’ll feel like a weight has been lifted when it is all finished. Lovely scarf and the pillow I think is worth persevering with, as finished ones looks so nice and yours is really making progress.

  7. I forgot to add, I use Pinterest and have folders within folders as I had so many things pinned. I try not to go on it at night as it’s a rabbit Warren and keeps me from getting tired...I start seeing ideas for projects and want to suddenly do some wet felting in the middle of the night, lol

  8. Love your advent scarf...it's a beauty! You're way ahead of me on the de-cluttering! The pillow is so pretty and you are doing a beautiful job on it. Pinterest? Oh baby, oh baby! I love Pinterest but it is a rabbit hole for sure but how relaxing, inspiring and motivating. I usually look st while making dinner if I have to wait for something to boil or whatever....it is my favorite thing to waste time! LOL! i don't care for the recipes though....been burned a few times so I went back to All Recipes.

  9. I have had hit or miss with my crockpot, a 6 qt one. I remember making pot roast the first time and it was came perfect. Another attempt down the line came out a little dry. I haven't used mine for ages but I do like making corned beef in it.
    You bet I use Pinterest. Last year or so they came up with the function of being able to organize your pins in a board. I'm itching to do that but that has to be low priority right now.


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