YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Image result for superwife
This is what I have felt like today, so far.  I hit the floor running this morning.  Hubby was even smart enough to just go into another room while I tackled the items on my to do list that have been languishing there for a few days.

First up:

In 2hrs 46min we get beautiful loaves that rise above the top of the pan!

This is in my bread machine as I type this.  My favorite spelt flour bread.  It is light enough to use for sandwiches.  Most spelt flour loaves are so heavy, they really only seem good for toast.

I also have this going on:

Home Cooking with Sonya: Spelt Cinnamon Raisin Bread

Hubby loves cinnamon raisin bread for breakfast.  This is a lovely tasting loaf too.  At the moment it is rising for the last time and then will be baked in the oven.

There are also 2 loads of laundry that are done with a third on the way to the washer.  I love multi tasking.  It really makes things get done faster and I don't watch the clock so much.  Everything that is running has a buzzer to let me know it is finished.  This afternoon, I plan on working on some project bags and starting a new prayer shawl (since prayer shawl group is tomorrow morning). Hubby said he will start pulling in the boxes from the shed sometime this week or next.  Then I can start going through those to declutter that out so he can get into the shed to work on his part.

I just heard the washer buzz.  Time to switch loads around.  The cinnamon bread should be ready to bake by the time I have done that.

Until next time..............happy crafting!


  1. I love the smell of cinnamon bread cooking! I'm with you Marsha...multi-tasking is the way to go. I have all sorts of lists and timers when I do that too. Then I can relax with a glass of wine and enjoy the reward. :)

  2. You know, there are some days when I just plow through my to do list with boundless energy - and other days when I just sit on the computer.

    Today was a computer day! :-)

  3. Does a bread machine make fool proof bread? I've always been curious about that.


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