YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Image result for quiet

I have been up for a couple of hours now.  It is so quiet and peaceful at 5 in the morning.  At least it is in my neighborhood.  It is now 7 and I just heard the first car of the day going down our street.  I love mornings like this.  It makes me feel like it is just God and me (and the dogs) having a nice morning chat.  Hubby will be rousing in about an hour so I decided to take a little time and post on my blog.

The past 2 days have seen me knitting away on dishcloths.  What a great project to do for a while.  They are usually quick to do and make me feel so accomplished as I see the pile of cloths rising.  In past posts, I have talked about making a box to hold 'gifts' for those unexpected occasions when a gift is needed.  That is where some of these cloths will be going.  My goal is to use up as much of my cotton yarn as possible.  I am even making 'scrap' colored clothes.  Those will go into my kitchen drawers though.  

I will also be making more project bags to put into the gifting box.  They were so well received this year by everyone......not just knitters/crocheters either.  I have plenty of material to make A LOT of them.  I am hoping to split my time between the two activities.  So far, I have just been working on the cloths.  oops!

Yesterday, all the bags and boxes of donations were picked up.  So nice to have that out of the house.  We have not started on any other areas as of yet.  I am hoping this afternoon, I can get hubby to bring in some boxes from our shed for me to go through.  Our shed holds ALL our Christmas items. We have over 20 plastic storage containers out there and do not use even half of the items.  I am sure there is someone that would benefit from it.  We used to put up 3 Christmas trees and decorated 5 rooms of our house for Christmas.  Since the children have gone, we have scaled back to 1 tree and just the main living areas with decorations. (2 rooms)  We do the front yard too.  So much easier to put up and take down now.

Today, hubby and I have our annual eye appointments.  I don't think my vision has changed in the past year and hubby thinks his is pretty much the same too.  But......we have great vision insurance and therefore we will use it.  We both have 'daily' glasses and also 'computer/work station' glasses.  Last year I got prescription sunglasses and love them!  Our sun is quite intense in the summer.  It reminds me of sunny days when there is snow on the ground.  Quite blinding!

The rest of the week is pretty normal..............so far.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.  Getting more areas decluttered is my main focus right now.  

Until next time.......................happy crafting!


  1. WE get our eyes checked yearly, thankfully mine have stopped or slowed changing (reading portion). My husband's doesn't change much either. I bet you feel free and light will all the donated stuff picked up and out of the house. Now it's time to go shopping (just kidding). We are planning to tackle the clothes closet sometime this week.

  2. Hi Marsha :) I need to get new glasses...I don't have insurance, so I'm always delaying, but my left eye is pretty blurry lately. I DREAM of getting prescription sunglasses! The polarized ones, I have a pair but they aren't prescription and I used to wear contacts, but my eyes can't tolerate them anymore. I promised myself that THIS year, I'll take care of my eyes!

    Oh the decluttering, we went through the basement the other day and are donating/tossing/recycling HALF of what was down there. It feels so good to get rid of useless stuff! Simple is better. Quiet is good too! :)

    Btw...I put up the recipe for the fruit tart! :)

  3. Wow, you used to do a lot of Christmas decorating! We put away everything on 1/1 because the husband was home and could put away the tree. Our fireplace mantle is naked now. I really miss the tree's lights.


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