YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Good day to all of you readers.  It is so nice to be back home and able to update my blog on my PC instead of my tablet.  I use my tablet 98% of the time, so I do love it.  But when it comes to working with photos and layouts, I prefer my PC.

I was not able to post any photos last week as the lighting in my hotel room was the absolute worse ever.  Even putting on makeup was a challenge for me.  I was afraid I was going to look like a clown as it was super dim.  The clown look did not happen, as I stood next to the window and applied said makeup.  It was just not possible to do photos there.

So without further ado........................here are some photos taken this morning, of my progress.

First up is my sock.  This is To Darcy With Love by Knitterarium.  This is the second sock (again).  It now matches the sizing of the first sock.  Who knew there would be such a difference in tension going from magic loop to DPN!  I am now knitting this on a US 2. The first sock was on a US 1 using the magic loop method.

I do love the look of cables in this sock.  It is a joy to do and I need to get back to it.  I did not work on it for a week but now need to get back to it and finish it up so I can get it to it's owner.  This pattern is so easy to memorize.  It has a very nice rhythm to it too.  I find patterns with rhythm are the ones that draw me in and make me very happy when knitting or crocheting.  That might be why I am not very good at free form crochet.

I have been working diligently on my shawl

The progress keeper does not indicate anything.  I am using it to keep track of right and wrong sides of this.  This pattern is Grainne, again by Knitterarium.  Yes, I also see I am working mostly with one designer.  I do have other designers I will be using this year.  These just happen to be from the same one at this time.  Plus, I really love her patterns.  They are so well written and if you have any questions, she is super great about answering them.  

A bit of a close up of the upper portion of the shawl.  I was going to do the entire shawl in the variegated but..................the ladies at the Prayer Shawl ministry convinced me to add blocks of solid color to break it up a bit.  They even donated the solid color yarn for me to use.  What a great bunch of ladies they are.

The solid color is a teensy bit heavier than the variegated so it does not lay quite as nicely.  I do like it though.  It adds a bit more interest.  Since this is going to be given as a prayer shawl, I am not putting beads on the lacy parts.  The shawls need to be washable and dryable for prayer shawls.

If you are new to the group, you may not know that the patterns I am using right now are from a fellow member of our YOP group.  Ruth, from Knitterarium also blogs in My Spare Moments.  Look her up.

As for life in general..................phew...............what a week.  Our salt system on our pool has gone caphlewy!  We have a new one being installed this coming Tuesday.  In the mean time, we are having to add chlorine to the pool and this does not make me a happy camper. It is so harsh on the skin and clothing.  So, I have not gone in the pool and won't until the new salt system is installed.

Our main TV is on the fritz too.  It flashes on and off continually and reminds me of the 70's when strobe lights were a big thing in the clubs.  That is being repaired on Tuesday also.  I am so glad we bought the TV at Costco a year ago.  That gave us an automatic 2 year warranty and we also bought an additional 2 years to go with it.  If the repair does not work, than we will receive a new TV.  Love warranties.  We normally do not buy additional warranties, but this was an expensive TV and new to the market, so we did it just  for an"in case".  Glad we did now.

Tuesday is also the day I get to take my dogs to the vet for their yearly check up.  It is a bit late this year since we were out of town for their normal check up dates.  We also have a charity coming to pick up items that day.  I have pots and pans to give to them as well as some other small household items.  

I have 2 Dr appointments this week as well.  I am so lucky.  LOL  One is for my blood pressure medication and the other is for my Arthritis medication.  I do like both of the Dr's so it really is not any issue for me to go to them.  Neither appointment lasts more than about 10 minutes.  So, not a big chunk of time out of my day.  I take my knitting with me when I go as the waiting room time is longer than the appointment time.

Today, I am going to visit my friend who has cancer.  She seems to be going downhill a bit faster than we expected.  I have not been to see her in over a month and feel horrible about that.  I have called and talked to her or her husband several times though.  I have a prayer shawl to take to her too.  One of the ladies from the prayer shawl group happened to have one at her house, so I picked it up last night and will give it to her today.  

The rest of today will be spent working on the Darcy sock to see how much I can get done in the next 4 days.  Hubby is heading back to Vegas to take care of some family business.  He will be staying with the recipient of the socks.  If I am lucky, I will be able to complete it before he leaves.  So, housework needs to be put on hold, laundry needs to pile up, meal cooking will be quick and easy..........................the sock needs to get completed!

Arizona has started their monsoon season.  We are under dust storm warnings nearly every evening now.  Some parts of the city got rain last night.............not where I live but my neighbor 4 miles south of me did.  This is probably my favorite time of year.  I know the dust storms and the wicked thunderstorms can cause much damage, but I still love to watch them roll in and out.  It is a visual experience that not many get to see.  Here is a photo of what they look like rolling in.

Anyway.............I am waiting for the storms to hit my neighborhood.  Before they do, I am trying to learn how to take better photos with my camera.  I have downloaded lots of tutorials specific to my camera and need to be able to sit with camera in hand and watch them. But...........I have a sock to finish first.

Until next time......................Happy Crafting!


  1. That sock looks so interesting, I love cables in socks. The solid colour part on the shawl truly adds interest and displays the pattern so well. Great work!

  2. I love the blue you are using for the Darcy socks and I'm glad you are enjoying knitting them, I love knitting them also, shhh I don't think I'm supposed to say that. The solid colour in GrĂ¡inne is working so well, your Prayer Shawl Group ladies were so right, it's perfect and I hope the recipient loves it also. I love the visual of the storms rolling in, we don't have anything quite that dramatic so it's fascinating seeing it. Seems like Tuesday is going to be a busy ole day for you and don't you just love drs apts where the waiting time is longer than the actual apt, I know I do!

  3. So glad you are home and able to show us your projects. Love the sock and I always enjoy cables too. I agree, a nice pattern has a rhythm...not boring but not too complex that you can't relax. The shawl is so pretty with the contrasting colors. I always love a good storm but I have never been in a dust storm like that. I know there's a name for them but I can't think of it. My daughter was out visiting her dad in Utah and they had one....also fires and hot hot heat! Yes, take a picture of what it looks like when you're inside a dust storm (from insdie your house)...that would be interesting....it must be like when we had blizzards up North and there were 'white outs'.
    Good luck on the socks and getting them done and I too have multiple appts this next week...ack! I like staying home. Have a great week!

  4. Glad you're back, Marsha, and able to show us some of your creations. First of all, that dust cloud is wicked looking. I've never seen anything like that! And these are regular occurrences right now?!? Yowza!

    Love your Grainne. I think the cream looks wonderful with that variegated. And yes - those cables are terrific on your To Mr. Darcy With Love socks. I hope your busy week goes well!

  5. Love your Grainne! I just put that on my list, but was wondering about the beads. So glad to see yours without, it looks great.

    Those dust storms are something else! I never knew about them but they came up in conversation today as my husband and I were talking about a trip we have planned to AZ.

  6. Those clouds are spectacular! I don't imagine the storms are fun when you're there on the ground, but the visual is amazing!

    I think your knitting group advice was solid - I like solid sections to break up the variegated!

  7. Your socks are gorgeous - I am working on some Elizabeth ones at the moment - I love Ruth's patterns. The sh

    1. Awl is beautiful and perfect in the two yarns. I think the difference in weight just adds texture, it's lovely.

    2. Awl is beautiful and perfect in the two yarns. I think the difference in weight just adds texture, it's lovely.

  8. Your socks are gorgeous - I am working on some Elizabeth ones at the moment - I love Ruth's patterns. The sh

  9. Hi Marsha :) Your socks and shawl look very nice! I had to look up the Magic Loop Method on You Tube because I had no clue what it was. You think it works well? I have to look more into it! Gosh you have a busy week!! Back even what, 20 years ago, you'd never hear of a television going on the fritz after just one year...I'm glad you got that warrantee! Nothing is made quality anymore, at least that's what I've noticed! That photo is just amazing!


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