YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I wish I knew how to make banners, like the ones I use for my weekly updates.  I would make some just for my 'life' updates.  I think I will put that on my bucket list. LOL

Anyway...........It is the day after the 4th of July.  We had our son and his wife over for swimming and a BBQ.  It was an enjoyable time.  They even taught us how to play Pai Gow. Now I am all ready to try it out in Vegas this weekend.  It seems like a fun game.  I just hope I can remember all the tips they gave us when I start playing.

Yesterday morning, I worked on my Dive In Shawl.  Here is what it looks like now:

Yup.............another frogged project.  I was super unhappy with the way the edges were looking and knew it was not going to be big enough for a prayer shawl.  I will use it with other yarn for a shawl or just make socks out of it.  The yarn will get used!

This is Luna and my daughter in law, Stacie. (Her eyes are not like that, really LOL)  Luna was not happy with the noise that was gong on outside and just wanted to be held for comfort.

Fireworks, are not my dogs' friend.  They are rescue dogs and had been on the street for a while.  From what I was told when we adopted them, they both were very skittish and needed a calm environment to live in.  I don't know about our place being calm but it is normally not too loud around us.

This is Enrique and my son, Joshua.  Enrique is totally terrified of loud noises even from the TV.  He will hide as much as he can next to a human.  Yup, my 9 and 11 pound attack dogs.
I am still reading Amish Undercover and am still enjoying it.  It is the perfect before bed read.  

Today is laundry day.....................I am half way done.  Since we need to pack tomorrow, I really need to get it all done and put away today yet so we can lay out our clothes for our trip.  

I also got my nails done today.  When I got to the salon, I was informed my lady never starts until 11:30 and yet I had a 9am appointment.  The co-owner of the shop said he would do my nails for me.  WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!  He was fantastic.  I made my next appointment with him too.  He paid so much more attention to detail and making sure my nails were shaped perfectly.  I am normally not a vain person, but when I pay for a service, I really love it when I feel I got the best service around.  That is how I felt when I left there.

Hubby and I are waiting on the A/C guy to get here to fix the area our thermostat is at. When they put the new one on, they did not anchor it to the wall and it is now kind of just hanging there.  We paid too much for a half done job.  I will continue to call them each time I find something that is not done to my liking.  Hopefully they don't have caller ID.  LOL  The tech is also going to do a load study to see if we need another air return put in.  All this was supposed to have been done in March.  This will be the 3rd time we have made a call to have something taken care of.  I will say, they do schedule your service that day or the next. No complaints on that end and...................they really are nice people.

Sounds like my laundry is done.  Until next time..........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!


  1. Oh no to the shawl, but that yarn is gorgeous and should be in a project that loves it! I hope the fireworks are well and truly over now so the dogs can settle.

  2. Oh no to the shawl, but that yarn is gorgeous and should be in a project that loves it! I hope the fireworks are well and truly over now so the dogs can settle.

  3. Belated 4th July issues and I'm sorry to hear about the shawl, that must be frustrating. Luna and Enrique are lovely and I'm sure in your home enjoy the quiet peaceful life. Enjoy your trip xx

  4. Lovely to see more of your family human and canine! They're all cute! So sorry about the poor animals that have to put up with the 4th 'booms'...my dogs aren't bothered at all for some reason but they don't want to go outside when they're going on which is perfectly understandable. I love your purple yarn...so pretty....it will make something very lovely someday. Have fun on your trip!

  5. Marsha, When you get a good manicurist you have to keep them. I've started shawls and stopped just as quickly. It is so important to find a pattern match with the yarn that you love. No big deal. Family and dog photos are great. LOVE each one. Comforting to both human and animal

  6. I loved the text, very informative! Thanks for the quality content!


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