YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I have been working on baby Kaidence's sweater for almost a week now.  The style of the sweater is adorable and I really like the cables.  It has been way too long since I have done cables. Love doing them and love the look they give to the sweater.

The title of todays blog is the real reason I  am writing today.  The pattern calls for the sweatwr to be knit for 7 inches below the arm pit.  That would make the sweater nearly 12 inches long.  Mind you, this is for a 3-6 month baby.  It just so happens I have a baby doll that is the size of a 3 month baby ( on average).  If made per instructions, it would come below the babies knees.   Needless to say, I will be making this sweater length much shorter.  Probably 5" will be perfect, especially when tryi g to buckle a car seat around it.

That being said, this sweater will be done before the weekend now.  Hopefully, I can also get a good start, if not complete, a hat to go with it.  I will have to "design" it, as there is no matching hat pattern attached to sweater pattern.  This shouldbe interesting.  I am a very visual person, designing is not my forte at all.

So on that note.......off to try and finish this sweater. ........


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