YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 43 of Year 5 YoP

Hello all my dear blogging friends.  I hope today finds all of you happy and healthy.  It is a beautiful day here in the desert of Arizona.  Blue skies, slight breeze, birds singing their morning songs and I am ready for the day to begin. 

I was dismayed the other day when I read that blogging was becoming passe.  How can that be?  I even read this in a blog!  The blog said, twitter was taking over blogging as no on wants to 'sit and read' something that is longer than so many characters.  OH MY!  Does this mean that people are no longer reading things like books, magazines, or newspapers? I realize that all of those things can be obtained in electronic form, but........a person still needs to 'sit and read' them.

So, for those of you that still find enjoyment out of sitting and reading, let us advance into my world of blogging.

I have a lot of things to show you today.  So..................sit back, put up your feet and relax for the next 5 minutes.

As you all know, Hubby and I are doing our decluttering.  So far, we have done the laundry room and kitchen.  This week was the dining room and entry area.  That was done in about 3 minutes.  It required me cleaning the dining room table and removing a reusable grocery bag from the front entryway.  BUT.....................we went to Ikea this week and picked out two new pieces of furniture for our home.  And entertainment center for our living room and a double dresser for our bedroom that we can put our TV on as well as some much needed storage space.

I have not started cleaning out the old entertainment center from the living room yet.  That will commence on Monday as that also the week for decluttering the living room anyway.  But I did clean out the entertainment thingy that we have been using for our TV in the bedroom and I found treasures!

A journal.................this was given to me a few Christmas' ago and I must have been in a hurry to stash is somewhere.

It has never even had one entry put into it.  I am so excited about this.  I have been looking into doing a life planner but just didn't think I had the discipline to do that weekly.  This is perfect for me.  I love to journal and if I decide I want to get more detailed, I can do that right here in these lovely pages.  I love the fact it is spiral bound and lays flat.

Another Christmas gift was found.  This time it was for my hubby from a dear friend.  This one was a bit sad to find.  The friend passed away just about a year ago.  We had been friends for over 30 years.  This was the last ornament we received from him.  It was several years ago, as we kind of lost touch.  Hubby had all of the Star Wars Hallmark ornaments up until this point.  We gave them all to our son who is a HUGE SW fan.  This one, too will go to him.

Hubby is also a large Star Trek fan.  This was also a gift from our dear friend the same year as the ornament.  Hubby says he remembers Sunday nights in college, the TV in the common area of his dorm, would have the channel tuned to Star Trek.  It was the only time everyone agreed on the same show.

This is the best treasure I found!!!!  My Debbie Macomber Blossom Street Books!  I use to have all of them, but somewhere along the line, I have loaned out the first 3 and never got them back.  So off to Amazon I go and ordered all of the ones I do not have.  I was going to get them all in electronic form, but since there are knitting patterns in them, I wanted to be able to have it in paper.  I am not a fan of knitting pattern on electronic form.  I have a few that way, but still prefer paper.  (Old school works best for some of us moldy oldies)

This is my little boy dog, Enrique.  I was busy in my craft room and he came in to take a little rest and keep me company.  Yes, those are my blocking boards he is laying on.  This is the reason I keep blankets on top of them.  I really don't want dog hair on my fine knits.

Hubby was sweet and got my carpet roses planted for me.  I don't think my dogs will bother these jewels.  There are some might nasty thorns on them.  These should eventually take over the entire garden area.  You know, the 6 foot by 3 foot area.  They are in full bloom and have tons more of blossoms on them.  I am hoping they will continue to bloom for several months yet.

BUT WAIT............................This is suppose to be my day to blog about my crafting.  OK, OK...............I do have a little bit of knitting news.

Wee Sherlock Jacket is coming along........slowly.  I have been so busy with my other things in life, I have really not had a lot of knitting time this week.  I did manage to complete the body since last week and got part of one sleeve done.  I have found a hat pattern to tell me how many stitches to cast on for a baby 3-6 months of age.  So I was not totally idle, just not as far along as I wanted to be.  Hopefully, by next weekend, the jacket will be finished and the hat will be started.  My calendar this week, is pretty full already, but hopefully I can pay attention to this little gem in the evenings without much interruption.

Until next time...........................Happy Crafting!


  1. Yayyy to lost treasures, it's fun finding things after so long isn't it and how cute is Enrique but yes, no to dog hair on fine knits. Hope you get the living room decluttered this week :) P.S. I'm never going to stop reading blogs in favour of twitter...I mean have you ever tried writing a post with their character length and say something of actual value! Hate it!

  2. The little jacket is delightful, such a lovely colour. Hope you manage to finish your tidying - I keep putting ours off!

  3. So nice to know others are out there trying to clean out after 60 some years of accumulating! LOL! Little Enrique is so darn cute! The sweater is darling and I must get some of those "carpet roses" because I'm in AR and it's hot here too so if they make it in AZ they would probably do well here too. They look so pretty! Have a good week!

  4. I enjoyed seeing the treasures you uncovered in your decluttering, Marsha. I'm always torn when I unearth things I haven't seen or used in years - torn between keeping them for nostaligia's sake, and getting rid of them because, obviously, they haven't been thought of in years. The Wee Sherlock Sweater is so pretty. I love the purple color!


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