YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 12

Good day everyone.  This is another YoP post coming to you from Sunny Soggy Arizona.  We got another 2 inches of rain in the past 24 hours.  My back yard looks like a swamp.  My swimming pool was as close to overflowing than I have ever seen it.  BUT........it did cool it off from the 100's real quick.  It now feels more like fall here.  I know we will be getting back into the mid to high 90's, but hopefully, we have seen the last of the triple digits.

Any way..............................I did complete one project this week.

Ta-Da!  The second sock is finally finished and now I can put them away until Christmas.  I have just resolved to only do two at a time socks from now on.  I feel second sock syndrome is going to be a thing for me in the coming months.  The second sock on this one took me from December of last year until yesterday to complete.  Of course, the new square needles had a lot to do with me being able to knit on it for more than 10-20 minutes.

I am still working on the baby blanket and will not bore  you with another picture of it's slow growth.  I think it is going to take as long to complete that blanket as it would to 'complete' a pregnancy!

I want to thank all of you for your comments last week about the gift cards for yarn.  I am going to take your advice and go have a look see at my LYS while hubby is out of town next weekend.  He really thinks I have too much now.  But can one ever have too much yarn?  I will be perusing patterns over the next week and actually have a project in mind when I go to the LYS.  That way I will not be totally distracted by some pretty little fiber that I will never use and probably just sit in my stash laughing at me.

Ok, so lets see how I am doing:

YoP 4 List
New items to do

(These make the best Christmas gifts and my entire family said they need new ones)

WIP's to complete

Log Cabin Blanket
(This has been in my WIP pile for about 3 years now.  It needs to leave it)

Yearly projects I do anyway

12 dishcloths 
( These also make such nice Christmas gifts and are quick and fun to do)

( I love doing them and can not say how many pairs I will complete but need to do some)

Things to increase my skills

2-3 test knits/crochet
(I have done a few of these over the past year and loved doing them.  They totally test my skills as a crafter and help me branch out into areas I would never ever think of going)
Personal Goal

Use only the yarn from my stash for all the above projects.
( I am truly going to try NOT to purchase any more yarn this year.  I have already gone 4 months without buying any yarn and I figure I can continue that trend for at least another 12 months.)

Take photos of ALL items when done.
(I have a habit of gifting items and never photographing them for my blog)
YUP, SO FAR AS OF 9/28/14

Lapghan for my mom
(I started on this on July 1st since this is when the official YoP 4 started)

2-3 Doll Clothes
(I really want to get this done this year......I really do)

1 fingerless mitt
( This is for a Christmas gift this year so it WILL be done soon)
FINISHED 8/12/14

One sock
(This also needs to be done for Christmas.  It's been lingering around for 6 months)


  1. Sounds like the square needles are just the ticket for you :) Glad to hear it's working out. I never have second sock syndrome because if I don't do that second sock straight away it'll never match. Yours looks perfect!

  2. I am really glad the square needles are working out. And no you can never have too much yarn, you have to have lots in different colours and weights- just in case!!

  3. Lovely socks! I really like the colours.

  4. So glad to see the square needles are working for you! Congrats on your 2nd sock. I think I will give those 2 at a time a try. I'm still working on my 2nd sock. Yes, blankets take time. I've decided to start making doll blankets! LOL! I hope you dry out...the news looks horrible from there! Stay safe!

  5. I would still get distracted at the LYS...are you sure you wont??? xx love the socks x

  6. Yayyy to the sock being finished and two at a time sounds like a plan to combat second sock syndrome, plus you can knock off those socks you want to knit much quicker. Good idea on having a project in mind before hitting the LYS and there is no such thing as too much yarn, I'm convinced on that point.


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