YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Up and running

I feel so much better now that I have my banner for my blog.  I must have some OCD as it bothered me all week that I didn't have my Yop2 info on my blog page.

So let's get on with the progress this week.

Last week I went into my craft room and counted all the things I mentioned last week.  Here is what I found out.

Cotton Yarn:

Seems I have enough for 10-12 dish cloths.  I am currently working on a ecru one and am hoping to get a couple of ecru done this week.  Hubby is heading up to Las Vegas to see his mom and I noticed last time I was there, her dish cloths were more like dish rags.  So I really want to get a few done for her.  She likes to bleach her cloths so I didn't see any reason to make her any in the colored yarn.

I also counted my sock yarn and I have enough sock yarn to make 40-45 pairs of socks.  That comes to over 4000 yards of sock yarn!  That's 3658 meters of sock yarn for my metric blogging buddies!  That's a lot of sock yarn.  Now I am going to have to come up with a way to use up half of that amount by the end of YoP2.  This does not include the sock yarn I am using for my color affection shawl either!

Hello, my name is Leftycrafter and I am a yarn-o-holic.  It has been 2 months since I purchased any yarn.

I also decided to count my project bags.  16 of them are sitting proudly in my craft room.  Dang!  good thing I only proposed making 3 of them up in the next year.

Now is there other yarn in that room?  Of course there is.  Come on..................I already said I was a yarn-o-holic.  I can not even count the amount of loose yarn in there.  I have cotton thread, worsted weight, DK weight, nylon cording for purses and of course my scraps from projects that I could not bear to throw away.  And to think I gave away 9 -13 gallon bags of yarn at the beginning of YoP1 to a local church.

On to other pictures of my WIPs

Here is the color affection shawl.  I have now completed the second part of the shawl.  I had to lay it aside for a few days so I could get on the dish cloths.  I will pick it back up once the cloths are done.

The finished front of the blooming pillow.  Have not started on the other front yet or the backs.  Just need to have this done by Christmas.  It should not be a problem.  The front takes me 2 days to make and the backs I can complete in an evening after work.

Here is the La La's shawl.  It has been on my needles for over 2 years.  Love the color and the pattern is not that hard.  It will make a great shoulder warmer when done.  I may donate this to our cancer shawl ministry at church when finished.

Cancer ribbon shawl.  This is a quick crochet and I don't have a clue as to why I put it aside.  This too, like the La La has been in my WIP bag for about 2 years.  This will be going to the cancer ministry for sure at our church, when completed.

I did not put this on my YoP2 list.  But it is really something.  (no the picture is not blurry,  that is a angora/silk yarn)  This pattern is Eva's shawl.  This sucker is soooooo warm to work on.  It is even hard for me to work on it in the winter time.   I know it is going to be gorgeous when it is completed but I think I need to move to the north pole and sit outside and work on it there.  I have no idea who this will be gifted too.  It can not go to the cancer ministry since it is not acrylic.  So I need to find someone that gets chilled when it is 90 degrees outside.

Still only have the one log cabin square done.  This is 24 inches (61 cm) square.  There are only 4 square to the entire afghan so that makes it 48 inches (121.9cm) square and that is without the border around it.  My DD is going to use this as her bedspread/duvet.  She has a king sized bed so it is going to be a bit short all the way around but then I can always add more border on the thing to make it fit.

That about covers my fiber addiction for the week.  Now I need to get busy on those dish cloths for my MIL.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Thank you for making me feel better about my sock yarn stash! LOL! My goal is too knit form stash and have it down to about half by the end of this YOP year too. We can cheer each other one. I use a Balls In/Out count on my stash to help with that.

  2. Hello my name is Lucie and I am a yarn-a-holic too ;-p I think I only started knitting to buy yarn!

    I love all of the projects you have shown and hope you get a good week in and get the cloths finished in time for their road trip :)

  3. Great looking shawls and projects. I love your statement about being a yarn aholic lol. I recently sorted my stash out and although I don't have much in the way of wool stash my cotton stash is huge !
    Hope you get your cloths done for you mil this week,

  4. What scares me is all the WIPs that are not in bags that I've conveniently forgotten about....very scary!

    Its funny why sometimes things get put down, not because they're hard but just because and then it can be really difficult to get going again

    Good on you for admitting your addiction....you wouldn't find me doing that ;-)

    Have a great, productive week!

  5. I love all your wips they look so inviting, I wouldn't know which one to do each time I had the urge to knit or crochet

  6. My downfall in hoarding yarns is cotton... I even try to talk myself out of using it for projects...I may not be able to replace it..LOL

  7. I have sock yarn envy now. What dishcloth patterns have you decided on? I've got a stash of cotton to work through too!

  8. I need to make to make some dishcloths too...the ones I have in my kitchen have seen their better days...I'm sure your MIL will love them !! they are such a great gift !!

  9. Think of it this way, most of us are yarn-o-holics BUT if we weren't, where would all of these awesome WIPS and FOs come from? :-P And we all wouldn't have our blogs to share how much of a yarn-o-holic we are :)

  10. Love the colors in the log cabin square. I can't wait to see teh rest of the squares.

  11. You have some lovely projects there. And thank you so much for telling us about the sock yarn - makes me feel very frugal with the small amount that I have. Maybe you could use 1600 in one go for a stripy Nuvem shawl by Martina Behm? I'm making one at the moment (not striped) and it's a great pattern - perfect "TV knitting" and constructed so that it's stocking stitch but with no purling.

    Your CA shawl is looking lovely.

  12. Good luck working your stash down, at least you have lots of choice and will not be inconvenienced by store opening hours. I have a sneakily growing pile of sock yarn too :) although it's the cotton remnants that drive me crazy. Must.break.habit.of.topping.up.and.making.yet.more.blankets.

  13. I don't think I want to add up the yardage of all my sock yarn - it's bad enough knowing I have over 8000 yards of acrylic DK and I bought that for a blanket! I love the log cabin square! The shawls are gorgeous and I love the colour of the pillow.

  14. Your projects are all so pretty!

  15. I have serious sock yarn envy, even though I have enough for about 15 pairs myself. And all your shawls are gorgeous. I finished all my WIPs last YOP and it makes you feel so good when you manage it!

  16. Love the colors in log cabin. I'm a lover of bright and bold.

    Dang you gave away a ton and then some of yarn. Does the church do charity work with it?

  17. I think yarn-o-holics are in good company at the Year of Projects group. Having updated my stash at the weekend, I'm now too scared to download my stash spreadsheet because it will tell me my metrage total! That's a number I don't need to know...

    Love all your projects, especially the La La's shawl. It's a gorgeous, cheerful colour, and I'm sure it will be well loved :)

  18. I suppose since I plan to knit my first socks this year, I will finally have some sock yarn, but I don't think I will ever have THAT much sock yarn. Dang,girl,that is a lot of yarn!! ;) So many of your projects look to be almost finished, so I am guessing some FO's might be making an appearance here soon!


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