YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Little Progress

There was little progress on my list this week.  My arthritis was acting up so I was not able to craft as much as I would have liked too.  So there are no pictures for this week.  Hopefully there will be something to show next week.

I did manage to complete the second section of my color affection shawl and am now working on the third section of the shawl.  I learned how to wrap and turn this week and have never done it before so it was kind of exciting for me.

I also managed to complete 2 more dish cloths and they left my house before I could snap a photo of them.  They were ecru and in the double hump pattern.  They went to live with my Mother in Law in Nevada.  DH took them up with him this past week.  I hope she likes them.

I did work on something that was not on my list.  I made a little sleeveless bolero for my Grand Daughters American Girl doll.  I want to make some more doll clothes for her in the next couple of weeks so I will have something for her birthday that she will love.  I am making crocheted clothes for the doll as her other Grandmother only knits and I am giving her full reign in that area.

Did not touch any of my other projects this week but hopefully will be able to make some progress on SOMETHING by next Sunday and will have pictures to show for it.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Even with that dreaded arthritis (you poor thing) .. you still achieved quite a bit this week. Dishcloths are always a fun, quick project and I'm sure your grand-daughter will love the doll clothes you're doing for her. Hope you have a good week. xoxox

  2. Hope your arthritis eases for you soon and that you can get back to your crafting. Looking forward to seeing your shawl and the dolls clothes. I remember the joy of dressing up my dollies when young. I'm sure your MIL will love her new cloths.

  3. Oh, I hope your arthritis subsides and that you feel up to doing everything you want.

    Sounds like you're roaring through Color Affection, so I'm looking forward to seeing a photo of that!

    As for the dishcloths that left the house before being photographed, that used to happen to me all the time. I make it a priority to photograph because I don't like those empty holes on my Ravelry project pages :)

  4. It's hard not to be able to craft when it is a big part of your life. I really hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. Sounds like reasonable progress to me! And even if you think it's just a little. It's still more than nothing! Can't wait to see pictures!

  6. It has been extremely humid here..so yup..get the arthritis pain..and I have projects with teeny needles and stitches...yuck!

  7. I hope the arthritis eases and you're able to craft again! And the doll clothes sound really sweet!

  8. Hope you feel better soon, sounds like you've actually done quite a bit.


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