YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Progress and in memory

  Wow, these weeks are going by so fast.  But I did manage to get some things worked on this week.

If you follow my blog regularly, you will know that I updated my YoP list last week.  It had to be done.  I was not happy with some of the things on there and wanted to do some other projects too.  I had to add some Christmas things that I had just discovered.

Here is the progress this week.

The scarf has grown to 16.5 inches.  I need to make it at least 50 inches long since that is the height of the person it is for.  I am still loving the pattern.  Infact I pretty much have it memorized now.  The yarn is so nice and soft and squishy. 

I started on my Hexipuff a day.  Needless to say I am not doing one a day because I am on a pretty tight schedule for the scarf.  But these little fellows are a nice diversion during the week and work up pretty quickly.  You can find the pattern here.  This is the crochet version and works up pretty quickly.  I can do one in about an hour.

And in memory of one of the most memorable days of my life.  Yes, I remember what I was doing and where I was on that day.  (Just as I remember all that information the Day JFK was killed)  May God continue to bless this great country of ours and hold her in His hand.

Today my Step Father would have been 94.  We lost him 5 years ago.  I love you Wayne!

Happy crafting.


  1. Hello, I am new to YoP :)

    I like your scarf so far, its a very nice pattern and the wool looks really soft and snuggly!

    I have seen many people make hexipuffs, or hexagons....I need to experiment!!

  2. The scarf is awesome, what do people do with those hexapuff things? I've seen several, and asked a couple of times, but am still clueless.

  3. Ack MORE HEXAPUFFS. I want to make some of my very own !!!!!

    Lovely scarf!

  4. What a neat, lace pattern for that scarf. I know how long those projects can take. You are definitely dedicated to it :O).
    Fun hexipuff yarn you're using. It'll make such an interesting blanket in the end!

  5. Your scarf is looking super, the colours are lovely

  6. The scarf is coming along well. You'll be finished in no time!

  7. scarf is looking amazing and good luck with all those cute hexipuffs!

  8. Yay! Some puffs! Glad you had time alongside your lovely scarf! :)


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