YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Busy needles

My needles and hook has been very busy this week.  I don't think there was a day where I did not work on something.  That is gratifying and makes me so happy.  I do have pictures to show progress plus a finished object that was not on my YoP list.  But I had to do it. 

Here is what was not on my YoP.  It is the Turn the Square hat pattern by Jared Flood.  This is my favorite go to hat pattern if I need one in a small time frame.  I did the bottom of this differently than the pattern called for.  I did not do the ribbing on it because this is going to a lady and I liked the rolled edge look on females.

Here is a picture of the top of the hat.  I did not plan on making this for part of my YoP but ended up having to because............................There is a scarf already done with this yarn and being given to a special person next month.  My Daughter in Law told me she could not work with this yarn and wanted to know if I would do something with it.  Since I gave her the yarn I knew what she meant.  It is called Plush yarn and I think it is a Red Heart.  It is very hard to crochet with but knitting with it is much easier.  So I went to work making the hat to go with the scarf.

Ahhhhhh, The wedding ring afghan.  I really love this pattern.  It is quick and fun.  It has just enough pattern to it to keep your interest but not so much that you have to watch the graft continually.  I am half way done with it.  Many of you think this is for a wedding but it is not.  It is for an anniversary gift (if completed in time) or Christmas present.

Lastly here is THE SCARF.  It is over 2 feet long now and I still have a little less than 3 feet to do on it.  I have a feeling it is not going to be done by the time my Son and his family leave for Texas.  But I will keep working on it as much as possible.

We are going to the baseball game again today so I think the scarf will be traveling with me.  We are taking the "train" and it takes about an hour on that so there will be some time to work during the trip down and back.  Plus I am sure I will have time during the game to put on a few rows too.

Have a great week and.............................Happy crafting.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

YoP with pictures

WOOHOO!  Another week of working on my YoP and some things that
were not on that list.  But I feel good about the progress I have made this week.  I had more knitting time than in past weeks and will have lots of time today and tomorrow to knit/crochet so hopefully I will make BIG progress for next week. 

So without further ado, here are some pictures of this weeks progress.

 Here are the 18 stitch markers my Grand Daughter and I made this week.
 She loves to work with my beads and I really needed something other than rubber bands to use.

So I turned her loose with my eye pins and Swaroski crystals and let her design away.

 Yes I do use them and love them.  They do add a bit of weight to a project but are much easier to work with than the rubber bands I was using.

On to the needlework part of my week.
The scarf has grown to 24 inches.  Not much progress on it but I should be able to get quite a bit more done on it today and tomorrow.  ( I have tomorrow off from work so I have a free day of knitting/crocheting!)

I started on one of the wedding ring afghans on Friday.  I have 1/3 of it done already.  It is done holding 2 strands of worsted together throughout.  It gets a bit heavy after a while but it is a quick crochet.  If I really wanted to I could probably have that done by the end of this time off from work.  I will see if I want to finish this or work on the scarf.  Decisions, decisions!

Not much else in the crafting news from my house.

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Progress and in memory

  Wow, these weeks are going by so fast.  But I did manage to get some things worked on this week.

If you follow my blog regularly, you will know that I updated my YoP list last week.  It had to be done.  I was not happy with some of the things on there and wanted to do some other projects too.  I had to add some Christmas things that I had just discovered.

Here is the progress this week.

The scarf has grown to 16.5 inches.  I need to make it at least 50 inches long since that is the height of the person it is for.  I am still loving the pattern.  Infact I pretty much have it memorized now.  The yarn is so nice and soft and squishy. 

I started on my Hexipuff a day.  Needless to say I am not doing one a day because I am on a pretty tight schedule for the scarf.  But these little fellows are a nice diversion during the week and work up pretty quickly.  You can find the pattern here.  This is the crochet version and works up pretty quickly.  I can do one in about an hour.

And in memory of one of the most memorable days of my life.  Yes, I remember what I was doing and where I was on that day.  (Just as I remember all that information the Day JFK was killed)  May God continue to bless this great country of ours and hold her in His hand.

Today my Step Father would have been 94.  We lost him 5 years ago.  I love you Wayne!

Happy crafting.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Ok, I am doing what a lot of the peeps in my Year of Projects group are doing.  I have revised my YoP list.  I realized that I had things on that list that I really didn't want to do or didn't like the way it looked or didn't like the fiber I was using.  I also added some things to the list so here is the list now.

Spiderman Blanket (Christmas) Crochet
Scarf for Jadin (by October 10th) Knitted
2 wedding ring afghans (Christmas) Crochet
Log cabin lapghan (when ever) Knitted
Bedsocks (Christmas) Crochet or knitted, haven't decided
Hexipuff (one a day for as long as it takes) Crochet
Scarf and Mittens for Jenn (Christmas) Knitted
LaLas prayer shawl (when ever) Knitted
Cancer Ribbon Shawl (when ever) Crochet
Alpaca/Silk Prayer Shawl (hopefully by Christmas and if not oh well) Crochet

Hat and Scarf (November gift)  Knitted

Hey Teach Cardigan........Really not fond of the pattern or fiber.  Can use the fiber elsewhere
Homespun Prayer Shawl......Can not stand the fiber anymore.  Will donate it to shawl ministry.

I think I can live with this list now.  Of course if I find anymore patterns I dearly love I will need to decide if it is worth it to add them to the list or save them for the next round.  I like that I have both knit and crochet patterns to work on.  I am so much faster at crochet but do love the look of knitting.

I had better get off of here and get hopping on the scarf that needs to be done in about 4 weeks.  It is a slow going project because of the pattern but it is so warm and snugly.  The other problem with it is the wool has really popped up my allergies.  My nose is so itchy the whole time I am working on it.  But I will do it because I love my Grandson that much.

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


This YoP is going way too fast.  I looked at the calendar and realized that Christmas is only a few months away and I have not even begun to get all my projects going that are for then.  I think I might be in trouble.  But.........................I will continue to push and shove myself to see how far along I can get and if I don't complete all the presents I wanted to do for Christmas.......................then I will be at the local mall on Christmas Eve with all the rest of the crazies.

As for progress this week.  I have pictures of my little scarf.  I found it very difficult to get one where you could see the texture/pattern that I am doing.  So that is why a couple of them are so dark.

See....................it is dark but you can see the honeycomb, cable and see stitch if you really try.

This is a DK weight yarn.  It is self patterning which is probably not the best for this pattern but I just could not see myself doing 5 feet of stockinette pattern.

This yarn does split a bit so I have to be careful especially when doing the cables.  It also has wool in it so I can only work on it for so long before my nose, eyes and hands start to protest.

Seven inches done.  Only 53 more to go.  I do want you to notice my measuring stick........My hubby found this for me at a Lefties store in Seattle Washington.  I love it because I don't have to turn it all funny (for me) to measure my progress.

Don't know how much knitting I will get done today.  It is family day at my house.  We have swimming and cookout planned.  I am sure there will be some games played too.  So I need to go and get food ready for the troops.

Happy Crafting.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

                             My very first "award".  Thanks Christine from It's a Knitting Thing Blog .

This award originated in Germany and translates to beloved, dearest, love.  The idea is to pass it on to five other blogs that you enjoy that have less than 200 followers.  And really, who couldn’t use a little more love in thier lives?  So here are my picks for blogs I would like to award this too:

1.Crochet With Chris.  She has some really great projects and I love crocheters as well as knitters.  Since I do both I like blogs of both kinds.

2.  Barefoot Rooster  She knits, spins, cooks, is in graduate school and has the coolest dog ever!

3.  Project Stash  She is a breath of fresh air and fairly new to the blogging scene.  She is very talented and her finished objects are lovely.

4.  A Self-Sufficient Life for Me  She is so down to earth and her crochet is marvelous too.

5.  KatieOhKatie Blogs  This blog is not for the easily offended but she cracks me up with her quick wit and one liners.  She can brighten just about the worse day anytime.  She is an avid knitter and traveler.

Thanks again for the award
Happy Crafting