YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 26, 2024



Oh my, where to start.  It was a fantastic week.  I accomplished so much.  Here are my craft projects for the past week.

The lapghan got completed!
It is folded in half length wise.  It will be perfect when worn vertically.  I really enjoyed making the ripple.  It used up 5 of my 'lone skeins' of leftover yarn.  Win-Win!

Once that was done I started another charity project.

To The Point shawl got completed this morning.  This is #38 of this shawl.  I made it in Caron Simply Soft with a size I (5.50mm) crochet hook.  It takes right at 250 grams of the Caron Simply soft.  I seem to be in a crochet mood right now and am planning on starting another To The Point shawl this afternoon.

That is all for crafting.  The rest of the week was spent doing all sorts of things.

Monday - My Mother's Day flowers finally bit the dust.  So, into the rubbish they went.  P-U that flower water stinks so bad.  I scoured my kitchen down.  Hubby fixed the outdoor part of my weather station.  I made cookies from scratch!

Hubby's favorite, oatmeal and raisin.  They are so yummy!

Tuesday - Washed the bed linens and put them back on the bed.  Hubby decided it would be fun to go to Costco.  It was not very busy so not too bad.  I needed more bread flour and they carry a 25 pound bag for less than I can buy 10 lbs in the grocery.

Wednesday -  Enrique finally got his pedicure.  I was two weeks past due and was advised by the groomer to bring him back in 3-4 weeks so they could get his quicks to recede more.  Then my TX DIL called and asked me to go with her to run errands.  WOW!  We went to the pharmacy, Dept of motor vehicles, Hobby Lobby, At Home and Fabletics which is in a Mall.  We clocked over a mile of walking and my body let me know it was not happy about that.  Yes, I am waaaay out of shape.

Thursday - We cleaned half of the house.  I made out menus and grocery list for the next week.  Did a load of towels and then that night we had Adoration at church.  My body was still complaining about the movement from the day before.

Friday - Hubby and I did our weekly grocery shopping.  We ended up at 2 grocery stores this time.  Again with almost a mile of walking.  But, it actually was good.  Helped to let those muscles know they needed to shape up!

Saturday - We did our weekly food pick up for our church's food bank.  We got over 50 pounds of meat this time.  That is going to help out a lot!  Our kids from TX stopped by to pick up some things we had for them.  We sat and talked for several hours.  It was so nice.  Hubby and I went to Mass and then home to relax and watch movies.

So far today I have emptied the dishwasher (my least favorite job), made jalapeƱo poppers for hubby's lunch, been making ice for beverages and written this blog post.  I will be making frozen strawberry margaritas shortly.  Something different for us.  We seldom drink them.  In fact I had to have hubby get the glasses that have been stored in the cupboard above our fridge since 2015!  Yup, it has been a hot minute since we have had margaritas.  Our pool says it is swimming temp.  I may venture into it later this afternoon.  Time to get back to my water aerobics.  They are so easy on my joints.

Tomorrow we will fly our American flag at half staff in memory of all who died to maintain our freedom.  We never want to forget!

Here is your funny for the week.

Until Next Time....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The blanket turned out quite lovely. The cookies also sound delicious. You certainly had a busy, fun week - hope this new week contains the same.

  2. Isn't it great when you get so much done in a week, plus some bonus exercise that was more interesting than being in a treadmill. The blanket is so cheery I love it. Yum to the cookies, although oats do give me heartburn but sometimes I can't resist them. I bet you can crochet that pattern by heart now. Liz (highlandheffalump)

  3. Love your colorful lapghan. Sounds like a great week.


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