Another week has passed. It was a busy one too. But I loved every minute of all the busyness. It will be easier for me to go day by day to let you know what happened.
Sunday after blogging - I was asked to send the night at Josh's house. He and his wife were out of town for a few days and wanted to make sure things were taken care of and keep Josie company. There is a very long and ugly story to go with this. But let me just say, he was scammed and it really, really scared him for the safety of his home and child. I spent Sunday night there and most of the day on Monday.
As you can see, it was a calm and peaceful night.
Monday - stayed at Josie's house. We did quite a bit of housework as well as working on the pool for the parents. It is so hard for Josh to do much work around the house and Stacie works almost 60 hours a week. I was relieved by Tiffany (theTX DIL)
Tuesday - Josie and I had a super special mission. We picked up Charlie. Who is Charlie?
A 3 week old baby kitten who needs to be bottle fed for another week or two. He is so cute and loves Thor. Thor is thrilled to have a buddy but has to be watched with him. He is so big and doesn't realize how strong he is when playing with him. Their other cat, Loki, is actually afraid of Charlie. Oh well, hopefully he will warm up eventually. Charlie is going to be a cutie with some white spots as he gets older. I spent most of the morning shredding old documents so he would have plenty of kitty litter.
This is a very special kitty. He is named Charlie after Josh's late father and was picked up on his late Father's birthday. Josie is very good about thinking of ways to make things special.
Wednesday - My bi-yearly bloodwork was done today. (it is all good) It was also clean house day. While hubby was mopping I spent time in my craft room winding up skeins of yarn and hand sewing a treasure.
This is a pillow cover my dad sent to his mother during WWII. That means this is 80 years old! I finally got a pillow form for it. Once it was inside, I hand stitched one edge closed. I have no idea what I will do with it. But I am thrilled to have something from my father.
Josh and Stacie flew home this night and I picked them up from the airport. When they got home, they got to meet Charlie the kitten. Stacie fell in love immediately. Josh may take a day or two.
Thursday - Hubby spent the day taking Josh for medical tests and then going to lunch with him. I spent that time getting caught up on neglected household chores.
Friday - This is grocery shopping day. The shopping itself is not so bad, It is the putting everything away and prepping veggies that need to be cleaned and gotten ready to be eaten. It wears me out.
Saturday - We are up very early (5:30am) to go and pick up donated food for our church's food bank. I get a text from Josh that he is very ill. He doesn't know if it is from his oral chemo or the food he ate that morning. I am put on kitten feeding notice in case he needs to go to the hospital to get hydration and meds to stop his vomiting. (I know, TMI) By 4pm, his stomach has settled down enough where they will manage him at home. Hubby and I go to Mass and then have a graduation gathering for a friend who just graduated from our city's fire academy. She was a classmate of Josie. When did these kids grow up?
Today - A lovely lazy morning. It was needed! Then off to another graduation gathering. Saw people we hadn't seen in over 20 years. It was so nice to catch up. Then we went to At Home. If you don't have one of these stores near you, you are missing out. I wanted to pick up some small pots. Found them! Then to Home Depot to pick up plants for the pots.
During my downtime this past week, I have been looking into herb growing. I want to make infused water. Fruit and herbs make some wonderful flavors when combined. It is much more economical to grow them at home than buy their cuttings at the grocery store.
From left to right are mint, mint, sweet basil and rosemary. I love the little pots I found for them. The reason one of the mints is in red solo cup is, it is a hydroponic plant and can not be planted. Anyway, my kitchen smells lovely. I will transplant them in a few days. I wanted them to adjust to their new surroundings first. No need to put them into shock.
I did work on the lapghan this week too. It is the only thing I worked on.
I am on the last color (red). The stripes will run vertically. I know that is a bit different from most ripples. I like being different. My goal is to have this completed sometime this week.
Here is this weeks chuckle:
Until Next Time...............Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!