YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 27, 2022



This week I worked solely on the baby sweater.  It needs to be completed and delivered to the church by the 11th of December.

It is coming along nicely.  I only have a couple more inches of body to do and then move on to sleeve island.  Then the matching hat and ta da, I will be done. I am on the lookout for adorable buttons for it.

My week has been filled with getting things ready for Christmas baking and decorating.  Throw in Thanksgiving on Thursday and Doggy Dental cleaning with extractions on Friday and my Week was pretty full.

Yes, Enrique needed his teeth cleaned and in the process had to have 7 extractions.  There were more they think will need to be removed next year during his dental but did not want to overload his poor little body with too much trauma at once.  He is actually doing quite well and is pretty much back to his old mischievous ways.  He will be on soft foods for 2 weeks.  After his recheck he should be able to go back on his kibble.

We also took Luna in to meet her new Vet.  Being 16 we were getting concerned about some changes we had seen in her.  The vet thought for being 16 she was doing pretty darn good.  Other than her hearing is almost all gone and her vision has decreased she is healthy.  She does have some beginning signs of Doggy Dementia too. 

I made my holiday baking list and got all the supplies for it.  Last night I backed my famous boozy fruitcake.  I know, most people make fun of fruitcakes.  Mine is made 4 weeks before it is to be served and each week it gets a bit of soaking with spiced rum.  By the time it is ready to serve, it is moist and really flavorful.  It will get its first 'drink' today.

Today, I will be making my grandmothers oatmeal cookies.  I have never made them before and hubby loves oatmeal cookies.  They will bring back some lovely memories for me as well as make hubby happy.

So, that was my week.  This coming week will be filled with decorating (although hubby does have the outside done) and more baking and cooking.  My infamous chex party mix is next on the list of things to make.

Until Next Time........................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Sounds like wonderful Christmas time traditions. Your baby sweater is beautiful. I'm so glad to hear you take care of your dogs even as they age.

  2. Hopefully sleeve island will be one of those petite islands you can walk round since it's a teeny jumper. Its going to look adorable on the baby who gets it. Poor pup! Ylva had some extractions done and it broke our heart to hear her crying once the painkillers wore off. I love reading about your holiday prep. Coming from a family where Christmas has always been very stressful with my mum kicking her own parents out one Christmas day and stopped speaking to them and kept us away for 8 years, then stopped speaking me for 6 years after a row she started on Boxing Day so it's always been tinged with sadness so I love hearing happy family stories and excitement around the preparation. Gives me faith those Hallmark type Christmases do exist. Christmas cake is practically mandatory here...fruit cake, marzipan and icing. You just pick off the bits you don't like, for me that's cherries and the marzipan.

  3. frodo gets a cleaning in January and I'm bracing myself for what ever comes. Little dogs have dental needs!! Nothing like a baby sweater to whip up, I love those kind of knitting projects.

  4. that baby sweater is so precious! You are busy as a bee per usual! All your Christmas baking and decorating sounds wonderful. I won't be baking too much but will do some for the holidays. I was able to extend my diet for Thanksgiving...what a treat that was!
    You take such great care of your animals...they are so lucky to have you.

  5. That is a beautiful baby sweater, Marsha. Poor Enrique. Seven teeth pulled sounds really painful. Homemade Oatmeal & Raisin cookies are a favorite of mine, and they bring back memories of a friend's mom (when I was a child) making them. I also like Oatmeal & Cranberry pieces. Which reminds me... I have some dried cranberries in the pantry... Mmmmm


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