YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 13, 2021

WEEK 50!!!


Goodness, we have arrived at week 50 of the year's YOP.  Only one more week to go for progress updates and then a recap on week 52.  I have not even started thinking about my 'list' for next year.  Might need to do that this coming week.

Let's see what I accomplished this week.

I finally got a good photo of the shawl I completed last week.

This thing is really big.  I love it as it will wrap around me and actually help keep me warm.  The ones that go around the neck and shoulders are fine but sometimes you just need a little bit more.  

Hubby's socks got quite a bit of love this past week.

The orange marker is where I as last Sunday.  Socks are such a perfect travel project.  I have about 30 more rows to do before I do the heel.

As I told you last week, hubby and I took a 5 day trip to Las Vegas.  He had family things to take care of and I had girl time to take care of.  My friend and I had the best time for 5 days.  She is also a knitter so, I got the pleasure of going to her LYS.  Sin City Knits is one of the friendliest places I have ever been too.  The ladies in there are just marvelous and really work with you to make sure you get what you 'need'.  If you are ever in Las Vegas, please stop by and check them out.

Here are the treasures I found while visiting the shop.

KFI Collection Painted Lace Degrade caught my eye right away.  It is a lovely cotton that will be made into  something very special for a special person.  I have already tried one pattern with it but was not happy with the way it was knitting up so will search for another pattern to use this in.  There are 874 yards (800 m) in this skein.  I'm thinking it will probably become a shawl.

I also got a sweater's worth of Cascade Anthem!  I already have the pattern too.  

This is Roe Cardigan.  I purchased the pattern from Knit Picks.  It will be my first bottom up sweater pattern to make.  Hopefully, I will do ok with it.  My plan is to shorten it up a bit as I want it to hit me mid hip, not below.

I so miss my LYS here.  There is another one fairly close by, but I was treated so rudely there when I first started to knit, I have refused to go back.  Someday, I will need to put on my big girl pants and go back and see if I am treated any differently.  I miss going to a LYS whenever I need a fiber fix.  Ordering online is just not the same.  I like to feel the fiber before buying.

The people we stayed with, last week have such a great place.  Hubby and I stayed in a little casita behind the main house.  Our living room looked out to the pool.

How is that for a relaxing view each morning.

Not only is my sweet friend a knitter, she also loves to make bread.  She made her first sour dough artisan while I was there.

It was so delicious.  She did such a great job.  This is whole wheat sour dough recipe by Emilie Raffa.  

So, when we got home, I decided to make a loaf of my normal sandwich bread and this time substitute some whole wheat flour for some of the bread flour.  (My friend encouraged me to try it)

It turned out perfect!  Hubby and I had it for lunch yesterday.  It was so soft and had just enough of the nutty wheat flavor I love.

Hubby and I are now home safely.  I still have vertigo, darn it.  I will be calling my Dr tomorrow to ask him to fax over a request for Physical therapy.  I am tired of being 'chauffeured' around all the time.

I will leave you with a lovely photo of blooming Yuccas. I took this on our way home on Friday.

Until Next Time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You still have vertigo...my gosh. I had it when I was in my early 20's and I was really scared. For me it turned out to be a niacin deficiency and when I started taking vitamins it cleared up. I hope it's something minor for you too. I'd love to jump in that pool right now! Your shawl is gorgeous!!

  2. I’m glad you had a lovely visit, tasty bread and a great LYS to visit...sounds perfect except the continuing vertigo. Hopefully the physio will sort you out with the movement that you do to move the crystals/fluid that will stop it 🤞🏻
    If you could just post me a little of the sunshine you have there, not too much, just enough to make it a bit warmer here and not so warm there.

  3. I too have a "local" yarn store that I refuse to shop at because of poor customer service. It's actually where I learned to knit but it is on the other side of town so I don't go often. I sent my son there at Christmas time and they treated him so rudely. It's in the "rich" area of town. I wrote a nasty review and will never shop there again. Fortunately for me there are 3 other LYS's in Cincinnati that have much better customer service.

    I think a shorter Roe will look great. Love homemade bread but hubby watches carbs due to pre-diabetes so we don't eat much bread. I'd rather have my carbs in craft beer. :)

  4. Beautiful Shawl, Marsha. A large shawl sounds a glorious thing to wrap up in.

    I'm glad you'll be getting therapy for the vertigo. I'm sorry you're still dealing with it, though.

    'm just amazed when I hear about yarn store workers/owners being rude or having poor customer service. Why would someone open a business that is dependent on customers, serve those customers poorly? It seems to be somewhat a common refrain, though.

    That pool looks amazing. How fun to have a separate casita where you could stay at your friends. I want one of those! ;^)

  5. Your shawl is big but so pretty! Hubby's socks are so awesome looking! Love that yarn! Glad you had such a great time with your friends. The yarns you got are gorgeous. I love that sweater pattern! I may have to get that and no, I haven't made my plans for this coming year either. I need to get busy! I used to have yuccas in my front yard in Iowa. I never liked them simply because they looked out of place in Iowa! LOL! We have a cactus garden at our library here and again it seems out of place but they are tough plants for sure!

  6. I am glad to hear you had such a great time despite your vertigo. I love the colour of that anthem yarn. It will be such a pretty knit.

  7. Beautiful shawl! It looks like you had a really lovely time of visiting and baking and yarn shopping with your friend. !

  8. YAY for new yarn! Sorry you're still dealing with vertigo. Nothing like freshly baked bread.

  9. what lovely new yarns and that shawl is a perfect size for cool weather and snuggling up!! Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Your shawl is amazing, as are your hubby's socks. I'm glad your trip was lovely, but sorry to hear vertigo is still there. Hope it gets sorted soon.


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