YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 30, 2021



Another week is in the books for this year of projects.  For those of us who are doing the July - June schedule, we are 4 weeks away from the end of year 10.  This tells me I should get thinking about what craft related items I would like to accomplish over the next year.  But, before I put on ye old thinking cap, let me show you what I did do this week.

Yup, the shawl is still on my needles.  The green marker is where I was last week.  I accomplished 20 rows.  There are 17 more to go before I can bind off and then find an area big enough for me to block it.  My hope and dream is to have this totally done, including blocking, before I leave next Sunday for a get away.  I am now knitting over 400 stitches per row so the going is a bit slower.  I am still in love with the shape and size of this shawl.  It will actually be a true shawl and not just a neck warmer.

The only other thing I did this week was this:

I colored.  It has been over 3 years since I have picked up my colored pencils and worked on any coloring books.  This is in my new journal and I was really drawn to it.  I think I will pull out my adult coloring books now and work on them a little bit again.  I truly enjoyed this.

That is all I did this week in crafting.  In other news.......

I reconnected with my brother's wife after 2 years.  The last time we talked was about 3 months after my brother died.  She and I both were having a hard time dealing with his passing (which was very sudden).  We agreed, when she was ready to reconnect, she would reach out and see if I was also ready.  Well, I got a lovely letter from her last weekend.  I called her immediately and we talked for over an hour.  It was wonderful to catch up with her and feel connected to her again.  

This weekend we have had the privilege of having Josie spend it with us.  Her folks went out of town and she had to stay for her play's dress rehearsals.  It has been nice to have her hanging around for the past 3 days.  It is amazing how much life a young person can bring into your home.

This coming week will see us being busy getting ready for our little get away.  There is a house to clean, laundry to do, a birthday to celebrate (mine), dogs to prepare for a sitter, and a shawl to complete!  There are other small things to do and hopefully everything will get done easily.  Hubby is still working on getting our email bills sent to our new gmail accounts.  He is hoping to get that completed by tomorrow.  I have gotten all the ones I care about transferred now.  We have gotten our steaming service connected and it is working good so that is another thing off our plate.  It will just be a matter of getting used to using it.

It is time for me to go and wake up my household so we can get this day going.

Until Next Time...........................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!

If you would like to join in on Year of Projects, HERE is the link.  It is FREE and so much fun.  You will meet some lovely people from all over the world.  So, if you have a craft you love to do, come on over and join us. 


  1. Happy birthday! And good luck finishing your shawl - sometimes that desire just powers me through to finish something.

  2. Isn't it amazing how much time can go by before we realize it. That lace next to the stockinette looks so pretty. Can't wait to see the whole finished shawl. And yay for you having another getaway soon. And a birthday! I hope it is a happy one if you leave before the big day! It warms my heart to read that you and your SIL connected after some time and distance. I can imagine how good it felt for you both.

  3. Hope you have a great birthday and a wonderful trip. I agree that I truly treasure still having kids in the house and rue the day it's just hubby and I. It's okay for our 3-4 months of snowbirding but I dread the day when it's only the 2 of us month after month, year after year. So glad you are having a positive reconnect with your sister-in-law. Was just talking this weekend with my stepdaughter on how my niece has sadly blown up her relationships with her brother and cousins. It will take a very long time for the wounds she has created to heal.

  4. how nice that you reconnected with your sil. That is a beautiful story. I found a coloring book and after my move I plan to get into it.

  5. Happy birthday when it comes and have a lovely trip. That’s so nice to have the connection again with your SIL. I’m confident you’ll have that shawl done before your trip.

  6. Happy Birthday!!! Your shawl is beautiful and so is your coloring. I saw that you can get recipe cards and note cards to color and use. I would like that. I should get mine out too as I enjoy coloring just like I did as a child. I hope you have a good time on your trip and that is so nice you were able to reconnect with your SIL. I bet it is fun to have Josie around. What a sweetie she is! Enjoy your birthday week/month/year. Remember, the older you get the longer you celebrate!

  7. Happy Birthday. It took me a minute to try to figure out what a steaming service was, and then I realized you meant streaming service - so yay for that! I am happy to hear bout the reconnection with your sil. Family upsets can be so complicated, and it sounds like you have come through it. Enjoy your get away. I can't wait to see your finished/blocked shawl.

  8. Hope you are having a good birthday! It sounds as though you have a busy week!

  9. What a great week! Getting SO CLOSE to finishing a big project can be really motivating to push through and finish!
    I'm happy your SIL was ready to reconnect, grief is so hard on everyone.
    Have the happiest of birthdays, and enjoy your trip!!

  10. Lovely how you reconnected with your sister in law. The lace looks good in your shawl WIP. Coloring sounds fun. I have a few adult coloring books I rescued from the dump piles of my girls. I haven't tried them out yet.


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