YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 25, 2019



Hello.  I  way behind in posting this week.  Hubby and I have had a super busy and a very eventful week.  Before we get too far off track, let's take a look at what I did this week with my yarn.

First off, there is no photo but, I did work on my cardigan again.  There were 8 more rows added to it.  To me, it looks like it did the last time I posted a photo.  I still have 16 more rows before I split for the arms.  It is slow going but a nice item to work on when I need a no brainer project.

I worked on the RCR socks quite a bit this week.  

This is the one I was furthest on last week.  I added another 1.5 inches to it.

The other sock is completed!!

This sock traveled with me this weekend.  More on the weekend later. 😁

There were more squares made this week too.

They are so much fun to do.  With one square taking one hour to complete, it is a real ego booster when you are on the go most of the week.

Here is what happened this week.

Sunday......after blogging.....I decided to do a little online car shopping.  It took up most of the rest of the day.  Although, my son, his daughter and their dog dropped by for a little visit.  Otherwise, hubby and I kind of lazed around the house most of the day.  Did not get the bread baked either.

Monday.......Got 3 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away all before 10AM!  Insomnia helps with housework LOL.  Went to a car dealership to test drive a couple of cars.  The dealership was not very friendly at all.  I felt bad as this is where I had bought my last car in 2012.  Fine!  We left after spending 2.5 hours out there.  I had an appointment with another dealership on the other side of the valley in about 1.5 hours.  Hubby and I stopped and grabbed some lunch and then headed to the other dealership.  What a difference!  We test drove another vehicle there and found one we loved.  Unfortunately it was not the color I wanted.  There was one 100 miles away in the color and model I wanted.  They said they would call once they found out if they could get that vehicle.  By now we had spent almost 6 hours car shopping.  We headed home to make dinner and relax.  We had only been home 5 minutes when the 2nd dealership called and said the car was available and gave us the financial details regarding our trade in and special discounts available and what the bottom line would be.  

They made a good deal with me and I am now a proud owner of a 2019 Hyundai Tucson!  I love being back in a SUV!  

Tuesday- spent most of the day on car stuff.  Cleaned out my car, got all the paperwork together for the dealership and then spent 4 hours again at the dealership finishing up all the paperwork.

Wednesday- Hubby had a Dr's appointment in the morning.  After that I spent the day getting my personal belongings put into the new car.  I finally sat down and did some serious knitting.  That evening was our Trivia night and I was once again in charge of picking up the Emcee and our Grand Daughter for the fun.

Thursday- hubby and I finally got to spend some time cleaning the house.  It had been sorely neglected.  Around 8PM my BFF called and asked me to help her with transporting a mutual friend from the Emergency room back home.  Off I went to  help out and by the time I got home I was exhausted.

Friday- We got things ready for our 3 day conference that started that evening.  We left for the conference around 2:30 and did not get back home until 10 that evening.

Saturday- Back to the conference at 7:30AM and were there until 5PM.  Then we were off to a Fantasy Football party until after 10PM.  (That's American Football)

Sunday- back to the conference at 9AM and returned home around 5PM.  It was a great conference but, having to set an alarm is not something we do anymore since retirement.    Here is a photo of what we looked at during the conference:

There were 1100 people there and yet, it still felt like a small and intimate group.

Tonight, hubby is going to grill a steak for us and I will make a salad to go with it.  Tomorrow I am heading to the unfriendly car dealership as I am owed a refund on an extended warranty I purchased on my old car.  I have called them about it but they have never returned my call.  Yup, I will park my bum in their office until I am serviced!

OK, that is all for me.  I need to go and get dinner going. (I still have not baked that bread!)

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Good for you for not settling for crappy service - and yay on your new car!! Enjoy.

  2. Congrats on your new car and the good deals, it pays to shop around. You have had a busy week and still managed some crochet and knitting well done.

  3. Congrats on your new car! Good for you finding a dealership you could work with. I don't know how you got any handwork done with all you had going on. I hope you can 'kick back' a bit this week! Love the socks and of course, those crocheted blocks!

  4. Whew...you had a busy busy week, but a good productive one ending with a new car. It looks great! glad things worked out for you. Love the squares, what a pretty pattern. Are the 3 colors we see the colors you'll be using for the whole afghan? If so....I really like them together, pretty and peaceful colors. I've yet to try my hand at socks, keep saying one day.

  5. Wow, busy! But shiny new car and soon to be shiny new socks. Sounds good to me!

  6. Oh a SUV is fun to drive and the space it has is wonderful. I like how that sock came out.

  7. Oh my gosh Marsha, I got exhausted reading about your week! I feel like such a sloth compared to you lol! Car shopping is the WORST...I'm so glad you found a great SUV for yourself! I have a Dodge Journey, but I think my next car (hopefully in the next year or so) will be an old Ford pickup. I need a country veee-hickle :)

  8. congrats on your new vehicle! I love when I love the dealership. You had a super busy week and go so much done!! I prefer to travel in our suv as opposed to the honda civic (that is HORRIBLE for my back health).


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