YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 22, 2013

YoP again.

Over the next three months, hubby and I are going to be doing some traveling.  I love to travel but always have an issue with how to take my personal items and my knitting on board the plane with me.  Or how to keep both of them together in a car trip without taking up too much room.
Enter a new found shop on Etsy that I am so glad my Facebook knitting group recommended to me.  It is called "Pinkamingo".  This crafty crafter takes old/used suit coats and makes the best bags in the world out of them.  She herself is a knitter and knows just what we want in a bag.  POCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!  This thing is loaded with them, both inside and out.

And spacious?  Just take a look..................................................
That is two skeins of sock yarn in the bottom of the bag.  As you can see, I would have plenty of room to put an entire sweater in there.  There is even an extra large pocket on the side that you can put your pattern, iPad/tablet, a notebook or any other large item.  I have my knitting box in one of the inside pockets and you can not even see it.  It has all my needs for knitting on the go. She has a site on FaceBook called "Pinkamingo" where she has several of her suit bags showing.  If you are interested in any of them all you need to do it go to her etsy shop and let her know that you would like to purchase one and she will put it on etsy for you to buy.  She is so nice and answers her emails promptly.......................like within 15 minutes.  Gotta love that kind of service.

As for projects for my YoP

After my test knit was finished I decided that I was still in a sock mood but didn't want to do the same pattern again so soon.  And since we are getting ready to leave for a trip in the next week I needed a mindless knit to do.  So enter Car Socks.  By Beverly Johnson.  This is not the first pair of these that I have made and it won't be my last.  They are my 'plain vanilla' sock that I go to when I just want to knit and not worry too much about reading a pattern.

The yarn for this is Maizy by Crystal Palace.  I love the feel of it.  It is a corn yarn and when knitted up has a little velvety feel to it.  I wish I had bought more of this when I got the ones I did.  I looked for it online this past week and found out it is discontinued.  Figures.  Always seems to happen to something I fall in love with.  Oh Well, I am sure I will find another non wool sock yarn that I will love soon.

Next on the crafting front........................................................
Another new pattern for me.  This one is Side Button Dog Sweater by Alisha Hansen.  I am using up some old acrylic worsted weight yarn for this one.  I have one little girl dog that LOVES to wear sweaters in the winter time.  Our boy dog HATES them.  So she will get a new sweater this year and she will love this one since it does not have to go over her head.  

Other than that I have not started any new projects.  With the travels coming up I have a feeling socks are going to be my main knitting companion for a while.  But they make GREAT Christmas gifts and I have never had anyone give a pair back.  No matter how badly they were made.

Happy Crafting!


  1. That bag is just lovely.. Thanks for the tip! Now I need to go calculate shipping to Europe..

  2. Good luck with your knitterly travel plans! That always stresses me out too

    Very nice looking dog sweater though!

  3. Oh you're so lucky to be able to travel. That is a splendid project bag. Yes! Pockets are necessary for us crafters. Have fun and fun yarn you're using. I love how your girl dog loves to be dressed!

  4. That bag is just so awesome ! Hoping you have some great travels and I'm loving the socks and your right, really great gifts !

  5. What a fabulous idea........recycling clothing into such useful and handsome knitting bags. I love sock knitting too, and agree they are a great travelling project..........enjoy your globe trotting adventures.

  6. Those bags look great! I have the perfect sized sock bag, but no sweater bag, and I love having pockets in my knitting bags.


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