YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I love YARN!

I have so much to tell you about.  It has been a great two weeks and there are reasons I didn't post last week.

Hubby and I went to San Diego last weekend (well we went on Thursday the 26th of September) and came home on the 29th.  We went for a Catholic Conference and the conference was awesome.  But on the day we got in we did our sight seeing and had an absolute blast.

First up...........................A little visit to a yarn shop.

This place was amazing.  They were in the middle of their yarn crawl when we got there so the place was busy but the staff was so nice and helpful.  The owner was the one that helped me out.  I had found them on the internet and had a list of yarns that they carried that my LYS didn't. So I was well prepared when I went in.

I talked to the owner, Jane, and she looked at my list of yarns and unfortunately didn't have any of them in stock that were non-wool.  (darn allergies)  But after explaining the reason for the non-wool requests, she was most helpful in finding fiber that suited my needs.

First up.............................................................

This luscious LARGE skein of rayon/metallic fiber from Blue Heron.  The colorway is called Cactus.  It is 550 yards of pure wonder and beauty.  I am hoping to be able to make a mesh top out of it for ME.  I have been looking at patterns and I may have under estimated the amount of yarn I will need to make one.  I really don't want to buy another skein, as it is quite expensive so I may have to settle for something a little less 'large'.  Maybe a tank or something.  I am still looking though and refuse to even wind it until I find the perfect pattern to go with the fiber.  It is a worsted weight and really is soft and squishy.

Then she showed me this...............................................

It is a cotton acrylic blend and so soft I can hardly stand it.  I have enough here to make a sweater for me or anyone else I decide to make one for.

After we left the yarn shop, we went to a lovely little Mexican restaurant across the street from the yarn shop.  The ladies in there recommended it and it was wonderful food.

Next stop.....................................................................

This mission......................sorry about the picture but I have spent the past 30 minutes trying to get it upright.  Any who.....................this was a really neat place too.  It is the first mission in San Diego area.  They were doing excavation on the sight and we got to see some really interesting stuff.

Friday morning we had a few hours before the conference started so we decided to do a bit more sight seeing.  We went to this.............................................

USS Midway.  The last diesel aircraft carrier to be used.  Of course, it is no longer in use.  It was a great way to spend a couple of hours.  But in that time we didn't even cover 1/2 of the ship!  But it was well worth the time spent.  Gave me a new outlook as to how our military (navy/marines) live while out to sea.

This is the view from our hotel room's balcony.  It was so pretty and peaceful.  The weather was perfect the whole time we were there.  Loved the area and would go back again.  Still lots of things I would like to see there.

 See this skein of yarn?  This is very special yarn.  It is 100% mink!  It is a fingering weight yarn.  Guess what is it going to become........................yup, socks.  It is so soft.  I can hardly wait to start working with it.  I guess they harvest minks the same way they do sheep.  Poor little minks....................I have a visual  going on of naked little minks trying to keep warm.  LOL

Love the maker of this yarn...................................Mimi........................that's what my grand kids call me.  

But right now, I am being monogamous again, in my knitting.  I have a birthday that is coming up on the 14th of this month.  So I am busy at work getting her project finished before that day.  After I am done with that, I will be working on Christmas gifts for the next 2.5 months.  But I am still working with my YoP list and things are still being taken off of it as I continue with my crafting.

We have another trip coming up in a couple of weeks.  I have already scoped out a yarn store there too.  My goal is to buy at least one skein of yarn from each place we visit from now on.  Then I will make something for ME out of that yarn to remember my trip by.  Then we have one more trip in November to make and the yarn shop I want to go to there is a bit of a drive away, but I am sure I can convince SOMEONE to take me there.  We will see.

I have more yarn that came in the mail this week, but will save that for my next post.  Don't want to bore all of you too much with my stash.  (Hmmmmm, I was planning on decreasing that stash this year..............hasn't really happened yet)

That's it for this week........................back to my knitting.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Ooh! Mink yarn? I'm totally coveting that!
    I'm impressed with your organization, having a list of yarns not sold in your LYS. Very smart of you. I will have to remember that trick. Glad you found alternatives. And how interesting there are Catholic conferences.

  2. Ohhhh yarn, lots of yarn and more to come ! Your trip sounded great and I'm glad you decided you need one skein at least from each place you visit, what an excellent idea. Mink yarn ? I've never heard of it so I can't wait to see those socks.

  3. Aren't little yarn crawls in new places fun?! Looks like you scored some fabulous yarn. Mink for socks! WOW!

  4. You can never get bored with stash posts :D Loving your yarn, it all looks so yummy!

  5. Such lovely yarn and so organised to have a list! It sounds like you have been having a great time :-)

  6. Looks like an awesome trip. I've been to San Diego twice, but never made it to a yarn shop. The Midway is awesome...we spent close to 8 hours there walking, looking reading and talking with folks. I was popped after wards but.......wow.


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