YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 4, 2013

YoP again

Again, I have managed to do a weekly post!  Sundays have been pretty quiet around here the past couple of months, so it has been pretty easy for me to sit down and actually write on my blog.

I started on DH socks on Monday.  I had a heck of a time deciding what pattern to pick for them.  I am very blessed to have such great blogging buddies though.  Lynn, from Minding My Own Stitches suggested Spey Valley socks from On the Road book.

They are such a great knit.  The tops of the socks need to have close attention paid to the pattern.

It looks hard but is really quite easy but the purls and knits get moved about quite a bit during this portion.  

It is a pretty easy knit and goes quickly.  I started the sock on Monday and turned the heel last night.  I am only able to work on it for 1-2 hours an evening and then only about 3 evenings a week.  Thank you Lynn for the suggestion.  I am hoping to complete this sock in the next couple of day and start IMMEDIATELY on the second one.  Hubby really likes the pattern too.  

I did have to make one change to the pattern...................I am knitting with a size US3 needle as he has a 9" foot and the pattern was for a 7" foot.  Other than that, I am following the pattern 100%.

I was asked to let someone know how I enjoyed working with this wool..........................LOVE IT!  There is NO splitting at all with it and the twist to it really defines the pattern of the sock.  I will say that the only problem I have is...............I am allergic to wool and working with this has made my hands, face and arms itch quite a bit.  But I will suffer through since it is such a great wool to use.  (now you know why I only get to work on this 1-2 hours maximum an evening)

As for the hubby............................he got his staples out this week and is doing so much better.  He is actually hungry again!  He is back on a regular diet and the only restriction he has now is..................NO LIFTING ANYTHING MORE THAN 10 POUNDS!  That means I am still doing all the laundry, house work, grocery shopping, and anything else that requires lifting or moving things about.  

Thank you all for all your well wishes for DH.  It has been greatly appreciated.

Until next week................................

Happy Crafting!


  1. I'm glad the pattern suits you both. I think it's a very nice masculine sock and the cuff details keep it interesting.

    Glad to hear DH is doing well ... although it'll be nicer once he's able to start doing his share of the chores :) Soon enough though!

  2. Good to hear your hubby is on the mend :) The pattern looks lovely and I am sure he will really enjoy wearing them.

  3. Really love the socks and thats dedication for you working on wool socks when allergic ! I'm sure your hubby will love them and I'm really glad to hear he's on the mend.

  4. Love your socks and so glad to hear your DH is doing so well!

  5. Great man socks. I still can't persuade my DH to try hand knit socks, maybe I should show him these?

  6. Lovely socks, and you must be dedicated to knit them even though you are allergic! And really glad to hear your DH is doing so well!

  7. What a great start to your socks for your husband.Glad he is on a regular diet; he probably missed real food. You make sure you take it easy too on your back.


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