YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Great Week

 This has been a great week for me personally and crafting wise.  

I would like to thank all of you for the prayers and good thoughts for me and my DH during this past week.  DH was released from the hospital on Tuesday morning and is doing well.  He has a long road of recovery yet but all the pathology reports came back negative for cancer.  We are blessed and every so thankful for that.  Now he just needs to get some strength back and gain the 20 pounds he lost over the past two months.

As for crafting..........................................

The My Honey is completed as of midnight last night.  I decided to make it short sleeved since our weather here seldom calls for a really heavy outer garment of any kind.  This will be nice for her to wear over her cammies when she goes to church or out to dinner.  

I think she will love it.  I know I loved the yarn that was self striping.  It was a dream to work with and I still have plenty left to make her American girl dolls a matching sweater.

I love the buttons I found at my LYS to go on it.  IT was not easy finding something that went with both the pink and the orange.

While at the LYS I found this yummy Fortissimo Sock yarn and immediately thought of DH and how much he loves home made socks.  So the next thing on my needles today will be a pair of socks for him.  I have all my sock pattern books out and am searching for just the right one for him.  I want to make them interesting enough that I don't go bonkers knitting them.  The last pair I made for him was strictly stockinette stitch and it drove me crazy.  So this time there will be some sort of a pattern involved in them.

I knew hubby was getting better because..........................yesterday I told him I needed to go to my LYS to pick up a pair of size 4US DPNs to complete the sleeves of the sweater.  He looks at me and asks "may I go with you?"  Yup, he was getting cabin fever.  So off we went and he actually was the one to find the buttons for me.  He has been to my LYS several times as I have several gift cards from them that he as gotten me for special occasions.  Gotta love a man that enables my addiction.

I'm off to finish up the laundry (Hubby is on lifting restrictions for 2 months) and find a pattern that I love for a lovely pair of socks.

Happy Crafting!


  1. I am so glad all the tests were clear and with you minding him your husband will very soon be bvack to his normal self and major kudos to your husband for enabling your addiction. Love the honey sweater it is just so gorgeous !

  2. Hooray on your husband being discharged and wanting to move and get out. He made an excellent choice on the buttons. Let us know how you like that sock yarn. I have some in my stash.

  3. I'm so glad that everything is looking up! And he's definitely feeling better if he asks to come along to a LYS.

    I made Spey Valley socks for DH ... the lateral braids and different types of ribbing made it more interesting than your typical vanilla sock.


  4. So glad your husband is home and feeling brighter : )
    I like the honey and love the buttons - hope you find just the right pattern for those socks and that lovely yarn !

  5. That cardigan is really pretty. Good job and nice yarn :)

  6. Great news about your husband and a lovely FO too. Happy knitting! :D

  7. Great news about your DH! Your FO is so lovely! I love the colors in it and the buttons are perfect :)

  8. I'm so glad to hear the your DH is doing well and all the pathology reports were ok! I was waiting to hear.

    And the cardigan is very cute, love the colour

  9. That is one lucky little girl who is getting that sweater. You did an amazing job on it!

  10. the honey sweater is super cute, I love the yarn colours!!! Have a knitty Wednesday xx


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