YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Another Sunday and I am able to post another update.  Not a lot to show for this week but I did finish the first sock even done on DPN's.  I think it turned out really pretty good and I didn't even mind grafting the toe.  In fact it was kind of fun for me.

I have not cast on the second sock as of yet and am not sure I will do it before my road trip this week.  I have so many WIP's that really need to be done that are on my YOP list.  None of them are going to take a large amount of time.  I thought about taking them with me since we will be traveling by car and seeing how many I can get done on the trip up and back.

I have been working on my Color Affection shawl and was hoping to get that done before I left as it is the largest project that I have to finish up.  And by large, I mean in size not amount of work left on it.

I was going through my craft room the other day and discovered a sweater that I had started some time ago.  It is Spring Garden Tee and I took a class on it as I had never done a sweater of any kind before.  All I have left on it is the rest of the body of it and then I am going to do a lace edging on it that is the same as is on the sleeves.  It would be perfect to wear next spring but also right now with the temps in the morning in the 60's and the highs of the day in the upper 80's to lower 90's.  So I am going to add that to my YOP for the year too.

Other than that I have listed everything else that I truly want to accomplish this year.

So what do y'all think I should take on the road trip.  My several WIP's or cast on the socks and take them?

Happy Crafting!


  1. If it were me it'd be socks. But it sounds like you're on quite a roll with your WIPs, so I'd stick with that.

    Sounds like you may be able to get Color Affection done, and maybe some good progress on your cardi :)

    Your first sock is very cute. Well done!

  2. I'd probably take the socks and a backup project (maybe the sweater), to avoid second-sock syndrome and the horrible possibility of being without knitting!

  3. If it were me I'd take the wip's, I'd like the challenge of how many you could get done on the trip up and down. Really love the Tee pattern its so pretty.

  4. Great sock! I'd take socks and a spare :)

  5. I'm partial to the tee pattern, it's lovely..congrats on the sock!

  6. Great socks, I would definitely take the second on the road trip, as socks are amazing car knitting


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