YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quit update

This will be short and sweet.

With just a week left until the day I have been madly knitting and crocheting for,  I am pleased to announce that I am DONE!  I have finished everything that I needed to complete for Christmas Day.

I made 14 of these quick and easy lip balm holders and each one has a lip balm in it.  These will be passed out to the folks at my office as well as some of my friends and family.

The afghan is finished too.  I didn't get a picture of it before I wrapped it but I will be able to take one on Christmas Day since we will be at the recipients house. 

If you follow my blog regularly you know that I have already started my list for knitting/crocheting projects for next year.  I have got to look at my YoP list and see how much I need to modify it now.

Here is what it looks like at this point.  I know there will be modifications as the year progresses.

Log cabin lapghan (when ever) Knitted  (have the yarn)
Hexipuff (one a day for as long as it takes) Crochet
Scarf and Mittens for Jenn (Christmas) Knitted (in progress)
LaLas prayer shawl (when ever) Knitted ( in progress) For Christmas 2012
Cancer Ribbon Shawl (when ever) Crochet ( in progress)
Alpaca/Silk Prayer Shawl Crochet (in Progress for Christmas 2012)
Scarf for Josie (In Progress)
4 blooming pillows (Have the yarn) Crochet for Christmas 2012
4 – 8 pairs of socks (Have the yarn) Knit for Christmas 2012
3 hat and scarf sets for men.  Knit for Christmas 2012 knit

Hat and Scarf (November gift)  Knitted (finished July 2011)

Scarf for Jadin (by October 10th) Knitted  (finished October 2011)
Wedding Ring Afghan (finished in October 2011)

Bedsock (Christmas) Crochet or knitted, haven't decided (Finished October 2011)                
 Hat for Josie (Finished October 2011)
wedding ring afghan (Christmas) Crochet (Finished in December 2011)
Bedsock(Christmas)  (Finished November 2011)

Cancelled Projects
Spiderman Blanket (Christmas) Crochet

Happy Crafting and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!


  1. Well done....exciting to have all your Christmas projects done.

  2. Congrats on finishing your Christmas knitting! Hopefully it means you have some time to relax and enjoy yourself over the holidays. Love Love Love the little lip balm cozies!

  3. Congrats on finishing and starting a list for next year already. The thought of doing that came up for me, I just haven't followed through in making the list yet :-P

  4. Congrats on getting everything done, well done. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.


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