YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Getting it done

I have lots of pictures again.  So hopefully you like photos with the posts.  I know I do.  These are not all of crafting.  But since this blog entertains those that craft and those that are family I decided to incorporate some of each in this post.

Since I am finding it harder and harder to post weekly with all the activities of the Advent season, and getting ready for Christmas.  I have put as much into this post as possible.  So enjoy!

First I will start with my crafting information.

I have finished the vest my daughter picked out.  She wants to wear this for Christmas Eve Mass yet didn't want something that screamed Christmas.  I used Caron Simply Soft yarn.  The pattern is Rosario from the Caron web site.  I used over 2.5 pounds of yarn for this.  Needless to say this is a VERY heavy vest.  She will be plenty warm in it too.

I am frantically making lip balm holders for some special folks for this Christmas.  I found the original pattern here.  I changed up the pattern just a little bit but it still turned out OK.  These go pretty quickly.  I am using sock yarn and a size 1 crochet hook.

I picked up the afghan again yesterday and am trying to get that finished so I can get it wrapped and ready to give away this Christmas.  That is what I am working on 99% of the time when I don't have certain people over to the house that I don't want to see it.


My grand daughter had a sleep over with us on Friday night.  Saturday morning she decided she wanted to learn how to crochet.  I tried, I really did.  But I am left handed and she is most definitely not.  I know I learned sitting in front of a righty but since she has not clue as to even how to hold a hook or yarn it just was not working out.  So........ I pulled out a size 10 circular needle along with some nice acrylic yarn and informed her she was going to learn how to knit.  I do knit right handed so there was no problem there.  So how did she do?

   I would say from the look of pride that she did quite well.  She managed to do 6 rows with a bit of help and was so excited when I told her to go ahead and take it home with her to practice.  I just might have another crafting partner very soon.

 Speaking of our Grand daughter...................Here she is last week with her two awards from school.  She got her independent reader award and also her student of the month award.  From left to right back row are:  GiGi (my mom), Josh (her daddy), Jenn ( my daughter), Me, Joe (hubby who helps support my craft habits), front row; Josie and Stacie (mommy). 

Now onto more photos of the interior of our home decorated for Christmas.  I don't know if you knew it or not, but my husband collects Nativity Sets.  So the following is all the Nativities set up in our family room.

I will let you know that we did have books in all those book shelves.  They are now sitting on the floor of our spare bedroom.  This year we were smart and marked on the stacks of books which case they came out of and what shelf they were on.  It will make putting the books back much easier.

Thank you for stopping by!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Congratulations - independent reader and student of the month! And then to learn to knit as well! My sister is left-handed and I could never teach her to knit or crochet. She found it very frustrating!

    Absolutely adore those lip-balm covers! Wish I'd thought of it sooner for stocking stuffers!

  2. Its so hard on the run up to Christmas to find time for everything. I love the vest for your daughter, really pretty colours. Super well done to your granddaughter on her knitting, nothing as special as getting little ones crafting. I love your Nativity sets, I love having them all round the house too although I don't have quite as many as your hubbie lol. I do enjoy reading all the blogs even when they are not so craft based.


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