YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 24, 2011


After my last post on Friday, I really didn't know how much progress I would make on the Reversible Cable Scarf.  But I am happy to report I managed to frog the 30 rows and get them back in as well as about 20 more rows.  Here is a picture of where I stand now on the scarf.

The tiles that this is laying on are 12 inch squares.  Last week it was only 2 tiles long and this week it is 3 tiles long!  Now if I hadn't frogged 30 rows it would be closer to 4 tiles but that is OK.  At least I will know that this is done to the best of my abilities when it is gifted to a very special young lady.

I do need to let you know, my daughter saw the pictures last week and informed me that the camera did not do the color any justice at all.  She is right.  This is a very vibrant lime green that I am using and it is quite muted in the photos.  In fact my daughter calls it "burn your retinas out" green.  She is a character.

Hopefully by next week there will be more progress on this.  I have looked at my schedule for next week and I have something going on each and every night of the week!  Three of those nights will allow me to bring knitting and work on it. 

Today is family day at our house.  There should be plenty of knitting time during that (I hope).  We are having a new recipe today that I found from http://www.skinnytaste.com/  She has some amazing recipes and we have tried several and have not found one yet that we will not repeat!  Todays feature is Sweet Barbocoa Pork with Cilantro Lime Rice.  Yummy.  It is all made in the crockpot and rice cooker so there will not be any heating of the kitchen up today.  And very little mess to clean up too.

That is all for now.  Have a great week and.......................................................................................

Happy Crafting!


  1. It's beautiful, both color and pattern. Glad you're making headway...almost back where you were. Maybe take your next picture outside? See if that shows your green more true.

  2. "Burn out your retinas" green, LOL. I guess that means she likes the colour.

    There will not be any heating up of the kitchen here either; we're ordering in!

  3. Well done on getting the 3rd tile! LOL

    Will wait in anticipation for the post with the 4th tile covered! LOL

    You just gotta love kids. At least once a day my 6 year old says something that is priceless, he is just that type of kid.

  4. I measure with tiles too :-) it is a great way to see progress. Next time I buy a camera I will choose one on whether it correctly picks up the colour of my yarn

  5. I actually like the colour, but I guess that's because I don't know what the original looks like.

  6. First: Your scarf is beautiful--Yay for progress.
    Second: I find photos taken outside in natural light usually show the true yarn color better. I took mine today in front of a window because I was too lazy to go outside!
    Third: I love Skinnytaste.Com! I have only recently discovered her, but love the things I have tried.
    Hope yours turns out yummy and what can be better than no oven and stove on during summer?

  7. That color must be a real stunner in person. it also must be deceptively long rightnow!

  8. I think that you're going very fast actually! Even though you had to frog a bit, I'm sorry for that. I'm already loving the color on the picture, and I can imagine it being prettier in real life! Happy Crafting! x Lily

  9. The texture in the scarf from the cables looks great

  10. I'm sorry about the frogging. The scarf looks great!

    I have one upstairs window where the light is perfect for getting true colours. Not a chance anywhere else in the house.

  11. Scarf looks great! If that is burn your eyes out green, then definitely muted. ;) Maybe try an outside shot? Your family day sounds delish!


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