YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ok, I felt guilty about not having any pictures for you all. So here are the ones I took today. As you can see on the socks they look kind of deformed to me but once you put them on they seem to fall into shape nicely. I am going to have to work on the bind off as I used a crochet bind off that was "guaranteed" to make them stretch enough to go over the heel. NOT! I had to rip it out twice and then I did my own crochet bind off with an extra chain between the bind off. The hardest part of this was.........I knit right handed and crochet left handed! I had to do the bind off with the crochet hook in my right hand. Talk about awkward.

You may not think my craftroom looks really "clean" but trust me it is. I have 3 different areas in the room. I have the sewing/serging area, beading/ribbon/knitting machine area and the looming area. The other area I have is for my tread mill. Please notice that there are no clothes on the tread mill. When I got it I heard horror stories about them becoming a clothes hanger. I vowed never to let that happen and it never has! As you can see from the closet shots..........I am pretty full in there. Lucky for me it is a walk in closet or I would be in some big trouble there.

Ok, I feel better now that I have pictures up for y'all. Now I can go and loom on the prayer shawl in peace.

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