YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, February 15, 2008

Busy life

Yes, I do have a busy life but that is no excuse for not posting here for the past 6 weeks. Let me catch you up on what is going on with this crazy life of mine.

We had a great new year here at home. We refuse to go out on New Years eve as we call it amateur night. That is when all the amateur drinkers go out on the streets and make life miserable for others. We did have friends over on New Years day which has been a tradition of ours for about 15 years. We enjoy our time with them and have a big bar b que that night and make sure everyone is full and happy. (In Arizona you can bar b que about 350 days a year because the other 14 days it is raining)LOL

My DH's father has been going thru extensive testing since they found the spot on his lung and it has not been a good time for him. They did a biopsy on one of the spots and his lung collapsed just at the end of the procedure. It took about a week for him to get back up to par after that. He was scheduled to go to San Diego for a wedge resection of the lung to determine the type of "tumor" that was there but he got to feeling kind of "poorly" and he cancelled the appointment.

A couple of weeks ago my DH got a call from his brother (a Doctor) very concerned about Dad's behavor and health. My DH flew up to Vegas to check things out only to discover his dad was having right sided weakness and was loosing mental capacities at an alarming rate. So DH got him in for a CT scan of the brain and they discovered a brain tumor that is quite large with lots of edema pushing on all parts of the brain causing the problems that he is having. They admitted him immediatly to a neurological hospital and is awaiting surgery. Hopefully this will all be over by Sunday and we will get our answers as to what is going on and what the next steps will be taken. So if any of you would feel so inclined we would appreciate all prayers at this time.

I am recovering from a wonderful cold that my grand daughter was kind enough to give me. My voice is almost gone and I am coughing a bit but I know that I will be better soon since my Grand Daughter is getting better too. Of course she has also given this to her mom and dad too. We are such a close family.

For Valentines Day I made 28 Dishclothes to pass out to my office and my husbands office. Everyone loved them although those that do not craft thought they were pot holders. Oh Well!

I am working on another prayer shawl and will probably work on that again tonight while I finally relax and watch a little mindless TV. Seems like when DH is out of town I find myself going somewhere everynight after work. So tonight I decided to just stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet here.

Oh yes, our son that moved here from Seattle in November has moved back home to Seattle! He was just not able to find any work here in the field that he specializes in. He has already had interviews since going back a week ago and he only had 2 here in the 3 months he was here. So we are hopeful that he will be employed very soon.

Once again I don't have any pictures of my crafts that I have been doing. My Bad! But on a great happy note, my mother has been coming over each day to let my dog out around lunch time. While she is here she is winding my yarn stash for me so I can get it into less space. I told her I found a yarn sale catalog in the mail and boy did I get a nasty look from her. I have 6 64 gallon tubs full of yarn right now and that is not counting the yarn that is in bags, totes, laying around in baskets etc. So I think I am on hold for yarn buying until I get some of my stash whittled down.

Have a great crafty day and I will write again as soon as we have any news on my Father in Law.

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