YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Finally pictures

I have been promising pictures for some time now. Well here you go. The first one is of a little mouse I made tonight. I found the pattern on Annie's Attic's free daily pattern today and knew I had to make one. I work with a lady who likes mice and since she is undergoing Chemo I thought I would make this for her to cheer her up.

The next 2 pictures or of the prayer shawl I am working on. It is such a nice and easy pattern and works up really pretty quickly if I could just have the time to really sit and work on it without interruption I think I would have it done in just a few days. But alas the phone rings or the dog wants a treat or hubby wants to go somewhere or (and this is the biggest reason) my grand daughter is over and we really have other "art" projects that we have to do.

A little update on my Father in Law. We were told last night that he was being released today from the hospital. We have not been able to verify that he is home yet but that is amazing. He just had major brain surgery on Monday and here it is Thursday and he is heading home.

It is late and I really want to get some more crochet time on the shawl so will close now and wish you all a crafty night!

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