YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 27, 2024



It's coming!  Fall is coming to the deserts of Arizona!  This week we are going to drop 20 degrees in 24 hours.  I am so excited!  We will still be considered 'warm' by most folks.  But, for us, it will be sweater weather.  

This past week saw so much happening.  I tried very hard to maintain my, 1 hour per project per day, routine.  For the most part, it did happen.  Let's take a look at progress.

I finally finished sock #1

This little gem was cast on in April!  I have no idea why I let it sit and stew.  Well, yes I do.  I started working on cross stitch again and it consumed me.  You will be happy to know I was a good knitter and cast on sock #2 right away.

The striping is not going to match 100%.  I really don't care as these are for me and being short socks, you really won't notice.  This baby is ready for me to do the heel.  That will happen today, hopefully.  I want these off the needles so I can cast on some more socks for ME with my new Cotton Sox yarn I purchased a few weeks ago.

I also finished the Basic Baby Beanie for Josie's pregnant friend.

I always like the crown of hats.  Now, all I need to do is get it to Josie so she can get it to the expectant mom along with the matching blanket and sweater.

I was good and worked on my shawl this week too.

A few more rows added to it.  It is almost halfway completed.  Hopefully I will hit that mark this week.  I always seem to forget how large this shawl is.  The size is the reason I really like it.  It actually is a shawl for warmth and not just for the looks.

There will be a new project started this week once I obtain the yarn.  My daughter has requested a throw blanket.  I have the pattern and only need to purchase the yarn ( which is on sale this week) and I will be set to go!  It is a crochet project so I am excited to add that to my list of daily projects.  Come back next week to see what I am making and how far along I got.

The puzzle......This one has been a real challenge.  Yesterday, I was able to really get some pieces put in and now all the main figures are attached to the edging.

Most of what is left to do is grass and dirt and blue jeans.  So, it will be a challenge to work on from this point on. Will it be completed by the end of the World Series?  Maybe.  Depends on if the Yankees manage to win a game against the Dodgers.  Dodgers are ahead 2-0.

I continue to make goodies in my kitchen.  This past week saw another loaf of sourdough bread made for hubby and I.  There will be another one made for us today.  I also made a spice bundt cake ( one of hubby's favorites), sourdough brownies (for our TX son and family) and a loaf of cranberry orange bread (for Tiffany).  My sourdough starter (Dottie) is the best I have ever made.  I think having the little sourdough fridge has been the secret to it's success.  A constant temperature is the key. 

Have you ever heard of a blind book date?  Am I the only one late to this party?  I was introduced to this fun thing last week at our church's annual fiesta.  Here is the gist of it.
You pick up a brown paper wrapped book.

On the front is a little synopsis of what the book is about.  It is a VERY general synopsis.  You purchase the book on what you read of the synopsis.  Once you have your purchase, you open it up and see what you received.

It is really fun and I purchased two blind book dates.  Here is what I got.

Four really cute stickers....two in each of the books wrapping paper.  I have no idea what I will do with them, but they are so cute.

These are the books I received.  I doubt I would have even picked them up to look at them in a book store.  Yet, the synopsis of each book is something I will enjoy reading.  Just so you know, these are not used books either.  They are brand new and just waiting for me to dive into them.

In other news..............................I went for a needle biopsy of my thyroid this week.  Holy Moly!  My throat has been sore every since and I have a lovely bruise on the base of neck where the Dr put the needles in and out.  Now, I wait for the results.  This is the hard part.

Jaxon is back in the hospital.  She went in because they thought she had another hematoma in her leg.  It was not and the Dr's saw she had healed enough to do her skin graft....FINALLY!  The graft was done yesterday and she will probably be in the hospital until Tuesday to make sure things are going well for her.  Poor kid has been through the ringer from this accident.  Hopefully this will be the last stage she needs to go through and can just finish healing up.

Josh is doing well.  In his last MRI, they can still see the tumor that was there after the surgery he had a year ago, but it is just sitting there and not growing.  This is good and we hope and pray this will continue for a long time.  He and Stacie just returned from his business trip in Florida.  They were there for a week.  It was a little mini vacay for them.  I am so glad they went.  He tolerated the trip quite well and is planning several more trips to different places over the next few months.  Traveling and making future plans seems to agree with him.

The rest of us are doing well.  Looking forward to the cooler weather.  I want to open my windows and let some lovely fresh air in.  Our birds, that fly down here for the winter, have arrived and it is so nice to hear their singing each day.  We normally only have mourning doves and pigeons.  So it is nice to hear other bird songs for a few months.

And now, for your humor for the week........................

Until Next Time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Such wonderful news about Jaxon and Josh. Congrats on finishing the sock and starting right up on the second one. Blind date with a book is a very cute idea. Best wishes on your biopsy. I'm waiting on one that my dermatologist took off my leg. Can't believe how long it's taking for the "sore" to heal. I've started looking at jigsaw puzzles as that's something we do while in Florida. I know the table I use is undersized so I have to be careful when I buy a puzzle that it will fit.

  2. Wonderful health news for the family. I love the socks you are knitting. I am on my 3rd or 4th pair using the pattern - I think I might be addicted LOL!

  3. LOL - Where do you come up with those funnies!

    Having had three needle biopsies last year, I'm cringing at the thought of one in the neck. Even though they numb a person (I assume you got numbed - please tell me you did), the thought of a needle biopsy in the neck just makes me squeamish. I hope all turns out well, friend.


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