YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 13, 2024



Still hoping for fall to happen here in my neighborhood.  Supposedly, we will be dropping below 100F next week and should be in the 80's by next weekend!  Hooray!  I am so ready to be able to sit outside and enjoy some front porch knitting time.  

This week I had to do a thing with the baby sweater..................I frogged the entire thing.  I did not like the way the fabric looked.  It also was measuring waaaay to large for a newborn.  I dropped down 2 needle sizes and restarted it.  Here is where I am now.

  I am much happier with the fabric.  Not to mention the cable is more pronounced.  Here is the comparison.

The top photo is the bigger needles.  The cable kind of blends into the sweater.  Not anymore!

There was a little other crafting this past week.

I was walking around Hobby Lobby and these little guys jumped into my cart and begged me to make them into stitch markers.  Being the nice person I am, I granted them their wish.  They are so darn cute and very light weight.

Other than that, I have been working on my puzzle but don't have a lot done on it yet.  I also started coloring again with colored pencils and adult coloring books.  I forgot how much I enjoyed coloring.  It is so relaxing.  

With Amazon Days happening this past week, I was finally able to find a Dutch oven that would fit into my countertop oven.

I have been wanting to do my sourdough bread in a cast iron Dutch Oven for a while now.  Most of them are about 1-2 inches too tall with the lid.  This clears everything by 1.5 inches! As for how it does for bread?

I am in love!  This makes so much more sense than the round loaves.  Now I can have sandwiches on sourdough as well as my bread machine bread. 

Someone asked me to demonstrate how the cable locks work that I talked about last week.  

See how the stitches are all grouped towards the working end of the circular needle?

It locks onto the cable while you are knitting away.  Once done, you push the little button on the bottom and slide to the other side to hold those stitches when you switch ends.  It really does save me a ton of time.  Especially when I am doing large projects, like the shawl.  There are almost 300 stitches on there so it is quite cumbersome to keep pushing the stitches up as I knit along on it.  Is that clear as mud?

I am looking forward to this coming week.  I only have one day where I will be out of the house doing errands!  Last week, I was gone everyday doing something.  Might be why I didn't get much done on the puzzle and the sweater isn't finished.  

I have a ha-ha for you today too.

Until Next Time...............Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!


  1. Those seven drawf charms are indeed adorable!! Wish I could find some Thanksgiving charms. Wow, the baby sweater does indeed look much different with the smaller needles. So precious. Congratulations on the Dutch oven. We were Amazon Prime shoppers too.

  2. Yes! I totally understand the cable lock now, Marsha. It's so obvious now seeing the picture, I don't know why it wasn't obvious before. Thank you!

    And yes, the cabling on the baby sweater does look better. That must have felt hard to frog, but worth it! We're finally going to see temps in the 50's & 60's this week.

    While our recent 80 degree days have been beautiful, it's not autumn in my book until there's an actual chill in the air and I can start wearing sweaters on a daily basis. 😊


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