YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 20, 2024



I am late getting this post up today.  I ended up taking Josh and Stacie to the airport for their trip to Florida.  Josh is on business and Stacie is going for his medical support and a little R&R.  Then, Jay, TIffany and Jaxon and her guy friend came over to spend some time with us.  Tiff went with me to drop the 'kids' off at the airport and then she and I went to a furniture store to pick up a storage bench to put at the foot of their bed.  Jay made brisket street tacos for us.  We celebrated Tiffany's birthday also, with the German Chocolate cake I made for her.  It was a full and very lovely day.

This past week I tried to do something new.  I didn't seem to be getting anywhere on all the projects I had going.  So, this week I only allowed myself to work on one project for an hour at a time and to rotate through each project daily.  Not only my knitting/crochet projects but also my coloring and puzzles.  The only project I did not include in this was my cross stitch projects.  So, here is how I did.

Baby sweater:

It was completed on Saturday.  I have 2 more babies to make sweaters for.  I am thinking I am going to find another pattern to use.  Getting a bit tired of making this one.  Time will tell what I decide.


Look at that!  I got over 30 rows completed on this sock.  It has languished for way to long.


This project takes quite a while to do a row since it has so many stitches on the needles.  It felt good to get to put my hands on each of these projects.  

Since the baby sweater got finished I needed to start ....................
A matching baby beanie.    It shouldn't take long to get this finished.  It will be nice to have this ready to give to the expectant momma.


I am really enjoy working with colored pencils.  I am no artist.  I do enjoy playing with color though.  This is just one of the many pictures I have completed so far.  Love my Gnomes!

I worked on my puzzle too and have the top half completed.  Now it is taking me almost an hour each day just to find 5 pieces.  Very slow going.

On the baking front.  I did make the cake for today's birthday.  I also made another loaf of Sourdough bread.  I used the same recipe as I did the last time, however, this time I cut the recipe in half.  It turned out so much lighter and we are actually enjoying it more too.

I don't think we will be needing to throw out half of the loaf anymore.  This is just the right size for the two of us to use in about 5 days time.  The crust is not as hard as the larger loaf crust.  The inside is soft and very yummy.  WIN-WIN!

Here is your funny for the week.....

Until Next Time...............Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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