YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 31, 2023



I am back.  So much to talk about so let's get going.

I have some finishes.

The second hat and mitt set was completed and both have now been mailed to their Kansas recipients.  The yarn for this set was so pretty.

Look at all those colors in it.  It was a good yarn to work with too.  Encore Colorspun was the yarn.

I was then asked to make a gnome for one of my nieces.  I finished him just in time as my niece and her family came for an unplanned visit this past week.  I now have two more to make per request from two of her children.

Then there was some cooking.

Hubby and I made green chili corn tamales one day.  It is pretty easy to do but takes time.  it took us 5 hours to make 100 tamales.  Hubby wants to make more, I do not.

This is the only holiday baking I did.  I just did not have the gumption this year to do more than these little beauties.

We had Christmas at our house this year.  There was 15 of us.

The day was filled with love and laughter.  Not to mention a TON of food.

There was another party we had and it was last night.  It was our annual End of Year party with extended friends who have become family.

This is our son and his wife from TX and also our niece and her Husband from Las Vegas.  They were the unplanned company that made our life so fun for 5 days.

Just a fraction of the people for our annual party with extended friends that have become family.  That is Josh on the right side with our niece from Vegas.

Our youngest son helping little Liam sink baskets.  Liam was one of 3 littles we had at our house this past week.  Oh how I miss having littles around.  Their laughter lights up a room.  They left this morning and my house is eerily quiet!

We finally have a diagnosis for Josh.  He has Glioblastoma.  A very aggressive tumor and will eventually take his life.  He has been approved to take the clinical trial chemo drug as well as radiation to help shrink and slow down the growth of this nasty thing.  There could be more surgery in the future if it grows to a point where they can remove some of it again.

Needless to say, this was not what we were praying for.  To say we were all devastated would be an understatement.  To get this news 4 days before Christmas was not something I would wish on anyone.  Josh went into a very dark place and it took some very stern action and people with the same diagnosis as him talking to him to finally get him to realize he needs to live the best life he has.  This is the reason I did not post last week.  It is also the reason we have been having a lot of unplanned company showing up.  

Chemo and radiation should be starting in the next week or two.  Waiting on the insurance for the prior authorization.  Such a pain!  I treasure each day I get to be with or talk to him.  No time line is given these days so we have no idea.  Although, one of the ladies in his support group is on year 25 and another one is on year 8.  Both have the same diagnosis as Josh does.  So now, we hope for extended quality and quantity of life for him.

May you all have a blessed 2024.

Until Next Time...........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am so saddened to read of the news you received. May God and his angels help you and your family during this time. Spending time with your family I am sure has helped.

  2. The gnome is so cute. No wonder you got extra requests. Wow. I'm so sorry for your son, his wife, and daughter as well as you and your hubby and Texas son. How lucky that he moved his family nearby. I hope he is able to reach some peace as he prepares everyone for "after". Praying for strength as he and everyone treasures every day.

  3. The gnome is so cute. No wonder you got extra requests for one. I am so sorry for the terrible news about your son's cancer. I hope he is able to take some comfort in making sure his loved ones are prepared for "after". Wishing you all the strength to find joy in each day you still have together.

  4. I’m so sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Hopeful news about the ladies in Josh’s support group. Thinking of you!

  5. I'm very sorry to hear that diagnosis. I'll continue to keep Josh in my thoughts.

  6. Josh and you and your family are in my daily prayers. May he receive the strength and support from family friends doctors as he receives treatment.

  7. Lovely finishes Marsha and I love that gnome. I’m so sorry to hear about your son’s diagnosis, prayers for you and your family.

  8. Oh, the hat and mittens are gorgeous. And the gnome so cute!

    I am sorry to hear such hard news with Josh's diagnosis. I am glad people have spoken to him to help him deal with the diagnosis and treatments ahead. He is in my prayers. Your family looks and sounds like a lot of fun. I'm glad they filled your days with laughter as you were probably reeling, otherwise, from the difficult news. Hugs to you, friend.

  9. I am so sorry about the diagnosis. Definitely not what anyone wants to hear but fellow sufferers give some hope and a reminder to everyone to live their best life. Thinking of you all.


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