YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 26, 2023



Yup, another week, another update.  


I was so hoping this sock would be completed by Thanksgiving.  It was not to be.  There were way too many interruptions each day for a good solid knitting fest.  Last night, I got two rows of the toes put on before I finally had to give up and get some sleep.  I am sure these will be completed today, sometime.  

I was contacted by my niece today.  She is asking for some knitted goodies for her and her daughter.  I now have something to do once the sock is completed!  And the items she wants are all very portable.  Even better!

That is all I have been doing craftwise.

We hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our home.  I wish I would remember to take photos.  My dining room table was laden with food from all members of the family.  After dinner, there was very little leftovers to pass around.  We had a great time with lots of laughs, and hugs to go around.

Hubby and I are now in Christmas decorating mode.  The outside lights are completed, the tree is set up but undecorated.  I did have to move one piece of furniture so I could put the tree where it can be seen from many places in the house.  Hopefully today we will bring in all the decorations for the inside of the house.  It needs to be completed before Thursday.  After that, all bets are off since we do not know what kind of help will be needed after Josh's surgery.

Speaking of Josh..........................

Here he is with his 'little brother'.  They decided to have a golf date last week and had a blast.  The 'little brother' is the one who just completed 20+ years in the US Navy and then moved his family here from Texas.  So glad to have almost all of my chickens back here.

After Thanksgiving dinner, hubby and I kicked back as did Enrique.

He is not a huge fan of crowds so did not sit down or relax the whole time family was here.  Poor little boy.  He slept hard the rest of the evening.

I think I have found the Christmas tree I would like to have in my house.

Could you imagine this right inside your front door?

That is all for today.  

Until Next Time........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Will be thinking of your family this week. Wishing a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Hopefully the spirit of Christmas will help make the time pass with a smile.

  2. Oh my goodness. I had to look at that picture twice before I saw the head on that Christmas tree. LOL! Praying for a successful surgery for Josh, and good news on the other side of it. I can only imagine how terrific it must feel to have most of your "chickens" close. :)

  3. Ha ha ha...love the T-Rex tree! Enrique is all tuckered out!

  4. Hoping you and your family are well, loved the photo of your family! We still have family here and are enjoying the last days before they leave.

  5. I love the tree - you should definitely find one!!

  6. That is a pretty epic tree. It would be fun to find one.

  7. I’m glad you had a lovely thanksgiving with your family. I really hope that everything has gone well with Josh’s surgery. That’s a cute tree, but it may give a Santa a shock 🦖 🎅. Thinking of you and your family xxx Liz


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