YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 5, 2023



Made it through another week!  My ribs and sternum are getting better.  My car should be done by the middle of this month.  I have a rental which is good since hubby and I are on the road this coming week and wanted take my SUV.  The rental is a Nissan Rogue and rides very much like my Hyundai Tucson. Perfect!

Anywho..........Let's take a look at what transpired this past week.

Monday - Picked up the rental and ran some errands.  Spent a few hours with Josh as he was having quite a bit of anxiety over his upcoming biopsy.

Tuesday - Spent the morning taking Josh to his office so he could get his company computer updated.  I did a little shopping while he was busy but did not find anything to buy!  Went to Mass for a Holy Day of Obligation.  Met our new Associate Priest too.

Josh hard at work

Wednesday - Enrique got his pedicure and then went to the vet to get his hind end cleaned out.  Oh the joys of owning a little dog LOL.  Got invited to lunch with Josh and Stacie and enjoyed our time with them, as always.  Finished my Female Gnome.


Not sure I want to make anymore female gnomes.  They are a lot more work than the guys.  Once I finished her I started another RCR sock.

Thursday - Josh's needle biopsy day.  Everything went smoothly and he did quite well.  He was very relieved to have that part over and now he waits for the results which should be in by Wednesday and a follow up appointment on the 13th.  I was a good mom and set up a crockpot of chicken and dumplings for them so they did not need to worry about anything for the rest of the day.

Friday - Got all the laundry done, grabbed a few groceries and helped Hubby clean the house.  Still working on the RCR in little spurts.

Saturday - Did our food bank pick up and started getting stuff ready to pack.  Went to Mass and then went to Josh's house and played games for a few hours.

This may sound crazy but, I did not pack my knitting up first!  In fact, it was the last item I packed.  That has never happened before.  I want to show you the RCR I am working on at the moment.  This is my road trip project.

That green yarn has been begging for me to find a way to use it for a couple of months now.  I love the contrast of the two colors.  Hubby is quite pleased with it too.

Hubby and I are on the road for the next 4 days.  Heading to Vegas to play in a bingo tournament.  We will see some friends and family while there too.

Until Next Time................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Your gnome is so cute! I made an couple of those. I hope you have an amazing week to come

  2. Good luck in the tournament. Safe travels.

  3. Love the gnome as always! Hope the results go as well as they can on Wednesday, still sending love and prayers.

  4. Hope you have a wonderful trip. Yum, I would adore a crockpot of chicken and dumplings!! Can't complain. My son made me a wonderful hamburger with sweet potato fries before I headed back to the hospital to watch the football game with hubby. Fingers crossed we both get good medical news this week.

  5. I feel for Josh, I hope everything is well with the results. Your gnome is so cute Marsha. Oh chicken and dumplings!!

  6. Glad you are healing....it takes longer the older you are....ask me how I know! LOL! You still were as busy as ever. Glad Josh's biopsy is over...that would make anyone nervous. I keep praying every day for you and your family. Your gnome is darling and I too like that green on the heel....cute pair of RCR's! Have a safe trip and have fun!

  7. It was me, Sam that made the comment above....

  8. sending prayers to Josh and you and the family as you wait. Love your gnome :)

  9. Gnomanda is pretty cute. Praying for Josh's biopsy results, and the surrounding understandable anxiousness. I would be on pins and needles.

  10. Love your gnome Marsha ! Hope all is well with Josh.

  11. Well I think the female gnome is cute and I’m sure she will enjoy being the solo female amongst all the male ones. Hehe! I hope you’ve had a lovely time in Vegas whether you won or not. I hope all goes well with the biopsy results.


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