YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 24 update

 Hello, all my friends, family and fellow crafters.  It has been a few weeks again since I have posted but I think most of you realize that this time of year seems to fly by so quickly.  Especially when you are trying to make deadlines for gifts for Christmas.

I have finished two items this week. 

First up......................................
 The American Flag.  Complete with 50 (count them) 50 stars.  The stars were hand sewn on after the completion of the rest of the flag.  Hmmmmm, it doesn't really look all that large in this photo.  Maybe if I told you it was laying on a queen sized bed, you could get a grasp of truly large this project was.  There is not one bit of mattress showing either.  So the flag is 6 feet by 5 feet (1.82 meters by 1.52 meters)  I will not be making another one of these....EVER.  Spacing the stars was the biggest pain in my neck.

Then there is the mermaid tail.  All sewn up and ready to be wrapped for gift giving.  I am not going to be able to make another one before Christmas.  Sorry baby god daughter.

I still have 3 gifts to make.  They are all sewn gifts so will be a nice change of pace from the needles and hooks.

I did complete the man socks also.  I did not take another picture of them.  Didn't see a need to, since you had already seen one completed.  The second one looks just like the first.

Today I have been getting my Christmas baking on.  I have just finished 9 gallons of Chex Party Mix.  One of our all time faves during the holidays.  I am getting ready to start on the Scotch Treats and then move to the fudge and our favorite German Cookies (peffernusse).  The fruit cake was done a couple of weeks ago and have been marinating it weekly in brandy.  No one in the family likes fruit cake other than hubby, my mom and myself.  Lots of fruit cake for the 3 of us this year.  I also made the Rolo Pretzel bites a couple of weeks ago and have them in tins in the fridge so they don't disappear before we have company arrive.

Ok, I am off to do more baking and get my laundry taken care of.  It will be a very busy next 2 weeks.  Hopefully I will be able to stop back by and post, but don't worry if I don't.  I will be here for sure after Christmas.

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Wow! What a beautiful, big, American flag blanket! I can't blame you for making it your last. ;^) Oh, and thank you for reminding me that I am planning on making carmel corn for Christmas! I'm not sure why reading about you making Chex Mix reminded me of that, but it did. Happy eating! And happy knitting and crocheting, too.

  2. Wow that blanket is just amazing!! Well done and I can definitely see why you'd not make one again. Love the mermaid tail, very very cute. I love fruit cake, it is a Christmas tradition here along with home made plum puddings, both of which I love this time of year! Hope you got all your baking done.

  3. My you have been busy! I thought the blanket looked big anyway with the headboard in the picture, but to know it is queen sized is amazing. It is stunning, but I can see why there will not be another!


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