YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Finish Line

Never again.  That is all I can say about homemade Christmas presents.  The worse part is........it was my idea.  I have already told my family, if I ever suggest this again.......tell me to stff it.

I finished the last homemade gift last night around 7pm.  Funny thing is......it was the first gift idea I had.  It was kind of fun in a way.  It did challenge all of our creative juices.  I normally only work with yarny goodness, but these projects saw me bringing out  my sewing machine too.  I helped our granddaughter with beading and woodcrafting also.  So lots of different skills used this year.   I did find out that yarn crafting is still my all time favorite.   It's portable, for the most part, can be done while enjoying family and friends, and is almost hypnotic when the needles are clicking or the hook is swooshing.

Now that all the gifts are done, I will be getting back to all my WIPs that have been screaming at me for the last six months.  I have socks, a shawl, a sweater, a blanket and a doll all waiting to be picked up and loved again.  I organized my sock yarn this week, as I found a smokin' deal on my favorite sock yarn and ordered 5 skeins of it.

Speaking of smoking. ........one month smoke free I am!  It really hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be.  Knitting and crocheting have been my best friend through it.  Plus, we never smoke in our house and it's a bit chilly outside right now.  So I stay nice and warm inside all day.

Ok, I need to sign off here.  I am taking my best friend for an MRI today and she is so claustrophobic, she has to be on heavy medicine to get her into the OPEN machine.  So I will drive her there and back and hold her hand during the test.  Taking socks with me to work on.  Don't think they will let me take them in the room since I am using metal needles lol.

Have a great rest of your week.


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