YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 1, 2015

YOP week 18

Happy All Saints Day!  I am back to my normal self as of about 5 minutes ago.  The last of our out of town guests has been taken to the airport.  The wedding is over and it was beautiful.  My shawl got finished by the skin of my teeth.  So I am ready to start back into my Christmas crafting.

Let's take a look at my past week.........................Monday & Tuesday were spent getting linens washed and placed on beds.  Dusting and mopping happened as did making sure there were items in the guest bath that might be needed by our guests.  We also had to clean up the remainder of our remodeling items and get everything put away.  Not much knitting got done those days.

Wednesday morning.............................early morning......................our first guest arrived. Our son from Texas came in.  So, Wednesday was spent catching up with him and what was going on in his life.  I did get some knitting done but not as much as I needed.

Thursday, our daughter and her mother (yes, I am a Step Parent) needed to come over and use my sewing machine to make adjustments to daughters wedding dress.  Her mother had made the dress just from the measurements she was given over the phone.  Daughter lives in Arizona and mom lives in Washington State.  So they were here for 3 hours doing the adjustments.  I tried to knit, but as I was doing lace work, it seemed every time I was getting my groove on, they needed me to help pin or hold parts of the dress.  After they left it was petal to the metal to complete the shawl.  I did not make it as large as the pattern (and I am glad I didn't)  I completed it, soaked it and blocked it and got done about 2 on Friday morning.

This is how it turned out.

It is 100% silk and was the slipperiest item I have ever knit.  It was light and just what I needed for the day of the wedding.  I had a choice of making it curved on the bottom or points.  Guess which one I went with.

So today I will get back to my socks for a while.  Our Daughter is bringing her cute little dog over for us to babysit while they take a mini honeymoon at a resort here in the area.  That means I will need to kind of watch my male dog with her as he is extremely jealous of any dog that might take some of my time away from him.

So the wedding...............................it was lovely and I have a couple of shots to give you the flavor of it.  First off, let me tell you that my new Son In Law is a crafter.  He loves to sew.

He made his Kilt for the wedding as well as the vest.  He also made the grooms men their kilts and vests too.  Granted, he is not wearing the traditional socks with the kilt.  These two are a bit of comic con geeks so he is wearing superman socks.  Each of his grooms men had different super hero socks too.  This was the couples first dance together.

The next photo made me cry.................................

This is her and my hubby (her father) dancing to Jennifer Juniper.  It is the song my husband named her after.  Her middle name is also from a song he loved at the time "Michelle"  As he danced with her he sang the song to her.  Quite touching.

So after the wedding, we all rushed home and got changed and went trick or treating with our grand daughter.  We had a blast but boy was I one tuckered out MiMi by the time I got home at 10:30 last night.  This morning was even worse as the first trip to the airport was mine to do and it was at 4 this morning!  Then I got home and got hubby up and we went to 7AM Mass.  He is now taking the last guest to the airport and we are done for the day.

So I will close for now and got and pick up my needles and work on the Snoqualmie Falls Sock that is darn near finished.  It should be done by the end of the week and the second man's sock will be cast on.  I am doing pretty good with the Christmas list so I am not in panic mode.......................yet.  Still have 2 afghans to complete but it is still darn near 90 degrees here and I am melting below them.  Maybe in a couple of weeks I can get back to them.

Until next week......................Happy Crafting!


  1. It must be lovely to be taking a sigh of relief that all is over and it all went so well and last week was especially busy for you. Your shawl turned out so well! and what gorgeous pics of the bride and groom and father of the bride. Now onto that Christmas (haha) knitting.

  2. You are so calm and kind about it all...I would have been a wreck probably. Congrats to you....I think you're a saint! So glad it all turned out so well and what a great wedding picture! I love her sandals and his socks...I think they're off to a good start!
    Your shawl looks exquisite! I can't even imagine working on something that delicate. My hat is off to you and you should be extremely proud of yourself! Relax now and kick back....you deserve it!

  3. Hurray, you finished in the nick of time and it looks gorgeous! And the wedding looks fab too. So lovely to think of a father singing a namesake song to his daughter on her wedding day!

    And as wonderful as I'm sure it was to catch up with family and celebrate with your daughter, isn't it nice too to have things back to normal :)

  4. Your week was definitely a whirlwind! Congrats on finishing the shawl - it looks lovely and I'm sure felt fabulous to wear. Now you can have a rest right?

  5. What a wonderful week, your photos look great and the happy couple look just that. The shawl looks brilliant, well done for finishing in time.

  6. Glad to read that the wedding was so nice. It was so good to see pictures! And your shawl is just beautiful.


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