YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 26, 2014


 Howdy!  It seems like longer than 2 weeks since I posted last.  

We had a very nice vacation and road trip.  We left on the 17th, after I got off work, and headed to Las Vegas.  It was an ok drive but was dark about an hour after we left, so crafting time was short and sweet.  We were on the move from the time we got there until we left on Tuesday morning.  We spent a lot of time with my Mother In Law and enjoyed visiting with her.  We also spent time with some dear friends of ours and had a blast.  Other than that we did a little gambling and had a lot of laughs.  After 39 years of marriage, there seems to always be lots of opportunity to laugh with each other.

I did have time to knit while spending time with family and friends.  Here is what I completed.

This was suppose to just be a beanie and not slouchy at all.  In fact, I made it 2 inches shorter than was called for in the pattern.  Here is the link to the pattern be loving

My daughter asked me to make this for her Halloween costume.  She is going to be a Minion this year and only needed the hat to complete her outfit.  I told her the bottom could be pulled up to make it more beanie like and she probably will on Halloween night.

I continued to work on my socks and the baby blanket this week.  Neither of which is completed so will not bore you with any photos of half finished projects.  The hat is all that I completed.  I didn't take any dish cloths to work on but I did take the baby blanket after all and my socks.

So how are you all doing on your YoP's?

It is back to work for me on Monday.  After having this past week off, I can see that when I retire next year I will be busier than when I work.  I did not have one quiet day at home until yesterday and that is because I told people that I wanted to be left alone.  

You all will remember that I am planning to only use the yarn in my stash and not buy any yarn.  I HAVE NOT bought any yarn.  But........................by Grand Daughter found my "My Crochet Doll" pattern book and has decided that she would love for me to do the doll and ALL the items in the book for her for Christmas.  So we sat down and went through all the yarns that are required for the doll, clothes and accessories.  GD is HIGHLY allergic to wool, so we had to find alternatives for that.  So we did....................now she wants me to order all the yarn RIGHT NOW (she is 9) and get started right away.  My hubby told her to go into my craftroom and shop for yarn there.  She did and now there is a big bag of yarn sitting in the middle of the craftroom of yarn she wants me to use.  Never mind that it is all the wrong weight yarn.  Never mind the fact that it was all sorted in that room by weight and color and content.  Never mind the fact that it took me 2 days to organize the room so I could find just what I needed when I needed it.  Never mind the fact that it is MY room and not HIS room.  Oh well, she is only 9 and she is adorable and precious and totally cute as a button.  So HE is the one that is going to have to help me put it back together.  And NO!!!! I am not going to buy any yarn that is needed for the doll.  She will have to wait until after June 30, 2015.  It will be the perfect time to buy yarn and work on the doll set as all the pieces are nice and small and very portable.  I am always looking for small projects to work on in the summer.  I think I have found one!

Lets see how I am doing:

YoP 4 List
New items to do

(These make the best Christmas gifts and my entire family said they need new ones)

WIP's to complete

Log Cabin Blanket
(This has been in my WIP pile for about 3 years now.  It needs to leave it)

Yearly projects I do anyway

12 dishcloths 
( These also make such nice Christmas gifts and are quick and fun to do)

( I love doing them and can not say how many pairs I will complete but need to do some)

Things to increase my skills

2-3 test knits/crochet
(I have done a few of these over the past year and loved doing them.  They totally test my skills as a crafter and help me branch out into areas I would never ever think of going)
Personal Goal

Use only the yarn from my stash for all the above projects.
( I am truly going to try NOT to purchase any more yarn this year.  I have already gone 4 months without buying any yarn and I figure I can continue that trend for at least another 12 months.)

Take photos of ALL items when done.
(I have a habit of gifting items and never photographing them for my blog)
YUP, SO FAR AS OF 10/26/14

Lapghan for my mom
(I started on this on July 1st since this is when the official YoP 4 started)

2-3 Doll Clothes
(I really want to get this done this year......I really do)

1 fingerless mitt
( This is for a Christmas gift this year so it WILL be done soon)
FINISHED 8/12/14

One sock
(This also needs to be done for Christmas.  It's been lingering around for 6 months)

Be Loving
Unplanned project but did it for love
COMPLETED 10/19/14


  1. Sounds like you had a great vacation. Love the hat, but sorry your craftroom is not as it should be. At least it sounds like a good project for next year!

  2. Sounds like a great time! The hat is the perfect minion color!

  3. All the retirees I know say they don't know how people find the time to work :) So yes, you might be really busy!

    I like the hat. As you say, roll up the brim for Halloween and then wear it slouchy the rest of the winter :)

  4. Sounds like you had a great vacation and it was a precursor to what retirement will be, twice as busy as work life. Really cute hat, my sister was a minion last halloween and needed a yellow hat herself, so I just guided her into the knitting of one lol.
    Totally agree on the who should be tidying the craft room :)

  5. So pleased to hear that you had a fun vacation... I like the style of that hat how it pleats almost at the crown x


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