YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Crafting and family

This post is picture laden and will include both my craft progress and my family time over the past week.  So sit back and relax.  I will do my craft progress in the first part so those of you who are only interested in that can skim through the rest of the blog to make your comments.  So let's get started.

Got another couple of dishcloths done.  The striped one on the right has already found a home with my mom.  She really liked the fact there is a loop on it to hang it up.  It is "grandma's favorite dishcloth" pattern.  The one on the left is another "double hump" dishcloth and is awaiting gift giving at Christmas time.

As for the doll clothes..........................I am once again a bad blogger.  I finished the red dress and made a hat, purse and shawl to match and failed to take a picture of the finished product.  I am hoping that the little girl will bring her American Girl doll over with her all dressed up in that outfit today.  If she does I will get a photo of it and post it next week.  So I managed to complete 2 tops, two skirts and the red outfit all in about 3 days.  Of course I was up until 11:30 the night before her birthday completing it and wrapped it all up and then remembered the camera.  Bad, bad blogger.

I worked a bit on the color affection shawl but not enough for you to notice in a picture.  I have about 8 more rows do to and then I will be in the final phase of it.  I will be happy to get it off the needles and more on to one of the other shawls that are patiently waiting to be finished too.  Not to mention the other projects on my YoP that need to be worked on pretty soon.

Ok, on to the family stuff.

We had a birthday this past week.  The pretty girl in the middle turned 7!  That is her with her Mommy and Grammie.  A pretty nice 3 generation picture if you ask me. 

This is her and my hubby who is called Pop Pop.  They have quite a relationship.  He has cared for her since she was born.  In fact he retired early from work just to be her 'playmate'.  He has loved every minute of it.

There were present to be opened.  This is the red outfit that I made for her American Girl doll.  I really want a picture if it on the doll!

We go to the same place every year for her family birthday party.  It is called Organ Stop.  There is a HUGE Wurlitzer organ there and they place all sorts of music.  So every year she dances with her daddy to some of the slow songs.  I think they both love this little daddy daughter time.

This is my mom.  We decided that last weekend we would have Christmas in July for her.

She had no idea what we had planned.  So she was pretty confused when we brought in a Christmas gift bag and a gave her a Christmas card.

She was absolutely thrilled though, when she saw the Kindle Fire inside.  She has been wanting one for some time now but they are so expensive.  We were going to get her one for Christmas this year as a family gift but my husband changed that.

This is my hubby.  He was recently in Las Vegas.  I had to clear that up before you thought we had slot machine in our home!  He was sitting quietly at Barley's watching a baseball game on TV when he heard that there was going to be a drawing for all those playing slots.  So he put some money in the slot machine and started playing when he looked up he saw that he was a winner of a brand new Kindle Fire.  He was amazed.  So he called me to tell that he had just gotten Mom's Christmas present!

And if you must know...............................yes, he also won $$$ on the slot machine.  It was a great day for him.

That is all the news for now from here.

Happy Crafting


  1. Pretty cloths! Looking forward to seeing your finished Colour Affliction too, it must be nice to be so close to the end.

    I love all your photos, and the stories that go with them.

  2. Love the dishcloths and I bet the dolls clothes are gorgeous, hoping you get the picture. Lovely family shots, its so nice to see the generations all together and I bet your Mom loved her present, I love my Kindle and way to go your hubby getting it, what a stroke of luck.

  3. I thought for sure she'd have grabbed that fab rainbow cloth - I would have!

  4. I love all the photos you shared. I have to say, how FORTUNATE your hubby won the kindle fire. I think its great and you were able to re-gift it too! (and the money was a bonus, I'm sure LOL).

    I do have to ask, what yarn did you use on the double hump cloth?

  5. Hope you are able to get a picture of the doll clothes. I know how you feel, I give stuff away all the time and forget to take pictures of it!

  6. What a wonderful day! I really have to get moving on my own colour affection or there is no way I'll have it finished by the end of the month!!

  7. Sounds like you had a great week. I forget to take finished photos a lot too, glad I'm not the only one.

  8. Grandma's Favorite is my go-to dishcloth pattern; I know it's a little plain, but I love that I can knit them in a dark movie theatre. So far I've stuck with solids, but I love your rainbow!

  9. beautiful pics of the little birthday girl! I got a little teary-eyed at the daddy daughter dance. I had to beg my husband to get him to dance with me before our wedding, but he will dance all around with my little ballerina. I adore it.

    I made the bumpy cloth out of the exact same rainbow yarn. I love it. it scours pans so nicely!

  10. I love the dishcloth on the left, the colours are so vibrant! And sounds like your husband was one lucky man, what a great thing to do with his win!


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