YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, April 16, 2012


I am so sorry that I do not have any pictures for you to view.  But check back during the week as I normally do more posting during the week than on the weekends.

Any how.....................I did go to my cuff down sock class this past Saturday.  Loved it.  I have to have the sock ready for the heel flap by next Saturday.  I chose to do it in Bernat Sock with a size 3 needle.  I am not too happy with it.  They had me cast on 64 and I thought nothing of it until I got about 4 inches down on the leg.  The thing is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!  I have already decreased it to 56 and am thinking of going even lower than that.  This might just have to be a practice sock and I will frog it once we get it finished or I will just toss it away.  I love going cuff down at this point but will let you all know how much I like it after doing the heel and foot.

I have not progressed on my Peace Socks much since I am working like crazy to get to the heel on the class sock.  Nothing else has been finished or started since the last post last week (You can find it in the archives).

On a more personal level....................it has been a very trying week.  Hubby left Wednesday morning to go and visit his mom.  Wednesday night DD came over and did her taxes and I made a wonderful Thai dish for us.  It was sweet and spicy both and we loved it and were glad there was enough leftover for each of us to have another meal out of it.

Thursday I took my Mom to Best Buy to finish up her new computer order.  Her other one was 10 years old and she had really nursed that thing.  But it was so slow. 

Friday I hooked up Mom's new computer and it was fantastic.  Then my BFF and I went out to dinner.  We were going to do Souper Salad but no tables were available.  Then we headed to Sweet Tomato's...............same story there.  We ended up at a Mexican Food restaurant and I was surprised and glad to find out I could make my tacos into lettuce wraps with steamed veggies on the side! 

Saturday I had my sock class and of course I had to go shopping for some yummy yarn.  (I will get pictures up here this week, I promise)  Then I headed home and got my flannel sheets off the bed and got the cotton ones back on it.  Being 90 degrees in the day means the flannels are gone for another year.  I straightened up part of our 'back room' which is suppose to be the hubby's shop but seems to be more of a storage area than anything else.  Finally go to sit down and do a few rows on the sock class sock.  Had to run to the airport and pick up my son and his lovely family.  Got them home and hung out for about 20 minutes with them and then headed home remembering that I had not eaten yet.  Stopped at the store for salad and a Smart One meal.

The evening rounded out with my dear friend calling me to inform me her brother in law had taken his own life.  I was devastated.  She was so hurt and it is so hard for me know what to say at times like that.  So I just let her talk and cry and talk and cry.  I did promise prayers for the family though per her request.

Sunday I went to Mass and then out to lunch with some good friends.  Went to a new 'hole in the wall' place and it was really good food. I did manage to get two loads of laundry done too. In the afternoon Mom and I went to the Casino and spent several hours there having a blast.  We had dinner there too and I was able to be home around 6:30.  I emptied the dishwasher, got my food ready for Monday at the office, played with my dogs, put my feet up and realized I only had an hour for knitting, but knitting I did do!

So as you can see this morning I did a weight in and am so close.........................19 pounds evicted!  One more pound and I will be doing a happy dance and singing.  (Don't worry, I won't video it or anything crazy like that)

Happy Crafting


  1. Best of luck with your socks. I learned cuff up ones when I started, now granted I'm only finished my second pair lol, I guess I'll eventually get round to doing toe up, but I like cuff up for now.
    Well done on your weight loss goal, thats fantastic. Hope this week is less trying and prayers and thoughts to your friends bil.

  2. i think cuff down is the best way to learn, and truth be told, it's still my favourite. I think Nancy Bush once said that socks should always be on size 0 (2mm) needles and after a few years of knitting socks, I'll have to agree. Thinner socks are more comfortable in shoes as far as I'm concerned.

    Don't let the heel freak you out - after a couple times through it will all click!

  3. Great going!!!
    Cuff down is my fav too


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