YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 22, 2012

YoP finally

I know, I know, I have been slacking in the YoP posting department.  Just didn't seem like I had a lot to post about for it.  Today though, I do have some photos of what I am working on at the present time.  I also have looked at my list of projects that I 'thought' would be done by the end of June and realized there is no way all of that is going to get done.  So I have revised my list to what I think will truly get done by the end of this first year.

So let's get started!

 You all know I am taking a sock class to learn the magic loop cuff down method.  I have been doing toe up magic loop for years but wanted to learn the other way.  I just completed my second lesson and this is where I am at.  The yarn is Bernat Sock yarn.  It calls for a #3 US needle but because of the number of stitches we cast on in class I wish I had used a #2US.
 Pardon the cruddy photos, but I was trying to get a good photo of the colorway of the sock.  It is really not a color I would wear but I think my hubby might so will let him have the option when I am finished.  I am liking the way this heel gets turned.  It totally freaked me out at first but now that it is turned I am all better.
I need to get the main part of the foot knitted by next Saturday so we can do the toe decreases and then Kitchener the toe.  Now, here is my problem.  I am not afraid of the Kitchener at all.  I have done it a few times and it seems kind of fun.  So here is the problem..........I am totally left handed but I knit right handed.  (Don't ask)  Because of that I would need to hold the darning needle in my right hand to do the stitch.  Isn't going to happen.  I can not even hold a fork in my right hand without feeling like a total klutz.  My instructor said he would shoe me how to do the draw closed toe.  Well, that does not make me happy as that makes for a pointed toe and I like a rounded toe.  Hopefully we can figure something out next week.

 Here are the toe up socks I am working on.  They are Peace Socks by Wendy Johnson.  Again forgive the cruddy photos.  This is done in Panda cotton which is a wonderful yarn but splits pretty bad while being worked on.  Especially if you have a pattern that calls for knitting stitches together and doing pass over stitches.
 It is a pretty simple pattern but works up so nicely.  I am able to watch TV and knit these without loosing my place at all.
I am doing the heel right now.  These feel like they might be too long for me which kind of makes me sad.  But if they are I know of someone that has a foot just about 1/2 inch longer than mine and she would love to have them.  I will know more by the end of the heel if they are mine or someone elses.

Here is how my list looks now.

3  pairs of socks (Have the yarn)
17 dishcloths (in progress) Knit for Christmas 2012
Vintage Shawl Crochet  A friend is giving me the materials and pattern to make this for her

 Here is the list of things that are finished:

Hat and Scarf (November gift)  Knitted (finished July 2011)
 Scarf for Jadin (by October 10th) Knitted  (finished October 2011)
Wedding Ring Afghan (finished in October 2011)
 Bed sock (Christmas) Crochet or knitted, haven't decided (Finished October 2011)                
 Hat for Josie (Finished October 2011)
wedding ring afghan (Christmas) Crochet (Finished in December 2011)
Bed sock(Christmas)  (Finished November 201
Scarf for Jenn (Finished December 23rd!!  2011)
Scarf for Josie (Finished December 26th 2011)
One man’s hat (Finished January 2012)
5 dishcloths (Finished February 2012)
1 log cabin block done (Finished February 2012)
Comfort Shawl (Finished March 2012)  Christmas 2012/ Crochet
1 dishcloth (finished March 2012)
Hat (finished March 2012)

As you can see my list has shortened dramatically.  There are some trips planned during the next few months.  I don't take large projects with me when traveling so socks and dishcloths are going to be the main goal.   Not to mention we have already hit over 100 degrees here and the larger projects are just not working for me during all the heat.  Once the heat abates (usually November) I will be happy to put the large projects back on my lap.

Oh, did you see that new item on the list?  The Vintage Shawl?  My daughter's friend from high school found a pattern and fell in love with it.  She did about 2 inches of the pattern and decided there was no way she was going to do it as it drove her crazy.  I offered to make it for her.  So in exchange she offered to do a craft for me.  I love this because, I can not longer do counted cross stitch because of my arthritis, yet I love the look of it.  So I have picked out a pattern for her to do and she is very excited.  From what I understand she is quite fast at it also.  I am thinking I like this 'barter' system.

Now on to a more personal front.  I am proud to tell all of you that I have evicted 21 pounds of fat from my body!!!!  EVICTED???????  Yes, because if you loose something don't you normally go and try to find it?  Well, I am not going to go and find those 21 pounds.  They have been evicted, the locks have been changed and a restraining order is out against all 21 of them!

Got a problem though...........................I am running out of clothes that fit.  Why is that a problem?  I still have 30 pounds to throw out and I really don't want to do any major clothes shopping until I am totally done.  So I think by the end of next month I am going to have to break down and buy at least a few pair of capris that fit right as well as maybe a couple of blouses.  I am taking a trip towards the end of next month and don't want to look like I am wearing my big sister's clothing.  (I don't even have a big sister!)

The end of June we are taking another trip and I have a feeling by then I am going to have to purchase a few more things as we are going to be gone for 10 days and I will need more than 2 pair of pants.  Lucky for me I got gift cards for Christmas to my favorite clothing store so it won't be too expensive of a trip.

So that is my news for the day/week.

Happy Crafting!


  1. I'm loving your socks and I like both colourways. Hoping you get the foot done so you can do the toe decreases and I'm hoping you find a way to do the kitchener stitch left handed.
    Loving the list and I to revived mine although I still think I may not get everything done.
    Super congratulations on the eviction, way to go you, best of luck with the rest of the evictions but I'm sure you can do it.

  2. Lovely socks - both toe-up and toe down. I really struggle with getting socks to fit my foot correctly when I work toe-up; I think I always underestimate the number of gusset inches or something.

    I'd buy a couple of new outfits - cheap and cheerful summery gear - until you make it to your goal weight. Sounds like you need a couple of things that are at least two or three sizes smaller! Way to go!

  3. Great socks, both pairs! I do think you sock knitters are mighty clever, I certainly couldn't imagine trying to knit socks and watch tv!

    Well done on those evicted pounds....I could do with more than a few evictions too.....problem is, I can't stop thinking about all the food I want to cook....I am such a foody, not all of it bad, just don't know when to stop!

  4. I love both pairs of socks, though the first are definitely a more manly colour! And congratualtions on the weight loss, I think with that sucess, you can treat yourself to a couple of new clothes

  5. wow - well done on everything! Gorgeous socks, new learning and 21 banished pounds!

  6. Good for you on the weight loss. Maybe a tailor could help you alter just a few favorite pieces of clothing and postpone the new purchases a while? Just a thought.


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