YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 21, 2024



Hey there!  Lots to tell y'all about this week so let's get right to it!


There was crafting this week along with a finish!

Rose City Roller socks have been going places with me and getting a few rows here and there.  They will be getting more attention this week since I have completed.......

The Habitation Throw.  This is more of a lap sized throw and will be turned into our Prayer Shawl ministry at church. It will be given to someone suffering from cancer.  Making this with worsted weight yarn makes it go so much quicker than the original suggestion of fingering weight.  Making it during a heat wave of 115F (46C) was not the smartest thing I ever did.  Even with our A/C running as well as a fan blowing on me, it was really warm to have this on my lap.  However, after going to the infusion center with my son, I know this will be a welcomed lapghan for those who sit in there for several hours during treatments.

There was also progress on this:

It may not look like much got completed but, that is over 100 stitches done this past week.  In that 100 stitch section there are 15 different colors being used!  This will be lovely when completed though.  I keep reminding myself of that.  I just wish this was a portable project.  The enjoyment I get from working on it is huge.  Here is how I keep track of my progress too:

Luckily for me, the lady that started the project for me, also marked what she had done this way.  This has always been my go to for keeping track of where I am.  I know there are apps for phones that help, but I am a paper and pencil (highlighter) type of gal.  Must be the bookkeeper in me.

I am not sure you will consider this crafting, but I do.  Therefore, I will be putting this in this category from now on.  As you all know, I have been working with sourdough since the pandemic.  There have been multiple starters come and go in that time period.  Mainly, in the heat of the summer, I lose my starter to pink mold.  My kitchen is the hottest room of our house and there is nothing I can do about it.  We have tried everything to cool that room more but nothing works.  I have had to keep my starter in the fridge but when I want to make anything, it needs to be set out a day or two before use.  By the time it is getting active again, it molds.  My best friend in Vegas told me about a sourdough 'home' to help maintain a constant temperature for the starter.  It can be cold, so no feeding is needed for several days, or warmed up, so the starter gets active and ready for use.

Say hello to my new home for my starter.  It is tiny and so very quiet.  I love it.

Now, say hello to Dotty!  She just got started on Friday so is very tiny.  She will grow quickly in the next week and I should be able to start using her next week sometime.  I am so excited to be able to actually make sourdough items in the summertime now.  The home was purchased from King Arthur.  They put them on sale last week plus I had reward $$ to use for it and shipping was free.  The jars were purchased from Amazon during Amazon days last week.  I am a happy lady!


I was pretty busy this  past week.  Josh and Josie took off for Seattle on Tuesday.  They are staying with Stacie's parents.  I envy them as it is a beautiful 80F (26C) for their high each day.  With them gone, Thor needed to have a little extra loving.  So, I volunteered to go and sit with him for a few hours each day.

While he was busy 'protecting' the house (see above photo), I worked on helping keep their pool clean.  They have a huge tree in their backyard that drops leaves quicker than a cheetah runs!  It is a constant battle.  But the tree offers some wonderful shade and no one wants to remove it.  It only took about 20 minutes a day to keep up with the maintenance.  Unfortunately, our pools are so warm right now, it is like hoping into a bathtub.  Not refreshing at all.

Friday, I had a thyroid ultrasound.  I am waiting for the results from it.  They person doing the ultrasound did tell me the nodule on the right side was bigger than originally thought and there is a smaller one on the left side.  She also told me my lymph nodes are clear and normal sized which is great news.  Next up will probably be a biopsy of the nodules and then we will take it from there.

I have 2 funnies for you today.  They are kind of related so I had to put both of them on here today.


Until Next Time.......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love your funnies. So interesting about the "starter home". Never heard of such a thing. Good to hear the good news about your thyroid. Hope the news continues to be good. The Habitation Throw is perfect as a lap blanket.

  2. Great finish and the socks look fantastic. Hope you receive good news from the medical scan.

  3. The socks with the matching coloured stitch marker are lovely. What a great idea to have a wee cooling space for your starter. I know people who keep theirs in their fridge and it’s not even hot here. Going to hit 19° this week though this week I hear. 26° is a bit too toasty for me. I’m sure someone is going to really appreciate the lap blanket. I love how Thor is really taking his responsibilities seriously 😂 cute dog.

  4. Dotty looks like a great idea, Marsha! I look forward to any future posts of you sharing what you make with sourdough. I hope you get a good report from the thyroid ultrasound and biopsy if you have to have that done.

  5. have fun with the starter! I love sourdough bread. Sending you healthy vibes!! Love the striping of the socks.

  6. I love the look of the socks and I'm guessing the habitation throw is finished and beautiful!


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