YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 11, 2022



Hey, thanks for stopping by.  My needles have been busy this week.

I finished the baby sweater and hat and it has been given to the church for my 'angel'.

These are the buttons I chose.  Thanks to everyone that voted on which buttons to use.  I laughed as no one chose these.  I almost went with the ones Maureen choose but they were just a bit too busy and these had the same colors in them.

Here is the hat.

And photos of the outfit together.  Please excuse the lighting.  It was a dreary rainy day when the photos were taken so no natural light available.

After that ensemble was completed, I was able to pick up some neglected WIP's and work on them when I was not making yummy stuff for Christmas.

RCR socks went with me to Adoration.  I only got to work on them for about half an hour.  But hey, it was 4 rows more than they have seen in over a month.

My DIL's Azel is my main focus now.

You know I love you when I agree to make something for you in BLACK!  This is going to be really big, per her request.  I just finished doing the part with all the button holes.  Now it is endless knitting until I get to the neck's edge and then down the other side.  It is bulky chunky yarn and I can only work with it for small segments of time before my hands and shoulders complain.  When I watch TV in the evenings is when I normally grab this and work on it.  My goal is to get it done before summer hits LOL.

My house is finally decorated for Christmas.  I have started my candy making and am hoping to finish that up this week as well as the Chex Mix party mix.  Hubby and I also have all the makings for green chili corn tamales as well as sweet tamales.  Those should be completed this week too.  Come back next week to see if we met our goal.

Today I was going to really concentrate on baking but.......................yes there is always a but.  The newly arrived TX family's belongings are being delivered today.  I was asked to help them unpack and get the house set up.  Especially the kitchen.  That pretty much took care of me doing tons of baking today.  That's okay..............I am retired and there are still many days before Christmas.

How is your week going?

Until Next Time..............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Enjoy your time with family. Cookies can wait. That sweater does look beautiful and will be so treasured. HaHa so you went with the buttons no one chose. Too funny. The sweater and hat are amazing anyway.

  2. That is the sweetest little sweater with the cable down the front, and all those pretty buttons going down the side. How exciting that your Texas family is finally there!

  3. You are amazing, woman! You must love her to knit in black...lol! Your rcr's are really cute with the stripe. How wonderful you are to help them unpack and get settled especially at this time of year for them and for you. But that is what our faith would direct us to do. Enjoy the season!

  4. beautiful baby sweater and set!! Love the buttons and the over all project. Now to knit some more right? Glad you are decorated, it won't be long now!

  5. I can see know you chose the perfect buttons - what a gorgeous gift for your angel. I am going to miss making chex mix this year. Can't find the ingredients here in Croatia, but we have already made one batch of Christmas cutout cookies. They disappeared quick so we have to make another very soon. And yes it is true love to knit something for someone in black!

  6. Oh the outfit is perfect. I hope you got your jobs completed, but equally I'm sure you enjoyed the time with family, so either outcome is great!

  7. The baby outfit is supercute. I can’t remember which buttons I voted for but these look lovely as a set. I hope the family are all settled in their new home. My tummy is already rumbling at the baking and cooking you may be (virtually) sharing with us later today. Liz


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