YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 12, 2016

YoP 50

Two weeks, people.  That is all that is left in this YoP 5.  After Christmas passes, I always think, it is going to be FOREVER before the YoP is over.  Then, BAM!!!!!  Here we are at week 50 and I still have no clue what I am going to do for a list for next year.  I have lots of ideas of what I want to do and how I want to approach the next year.  I have tried different styles each year.  Some have been great and others were pretty yucky.

For those of you that read my blog last week and commented, thank you.  Your words of encouragement meant a lot to me and actually helped me in the long run.  Did I get my mojo back..................pretty much.

It was Wednesday morning when I decided I was declaring a ME day.  Yup, I was going to be totally selfish and do only what I wanted to.  Not because I needed to, but because I wanted to.  First thing I did was rearrange all the 'stuff' in our guest room.  This remodeling has played havoc with where things have gone.  I could hardly walk into that room and that is the room I needed to use for storage of items to complete our remodel.  After that room was arranged, I moved all the remodeling items from my craft room into that room.  BOOM! (drop the mic)  All of a sudden, I was able to see ALL of my stash. Yarn, material, beading supplies...............all of it!  I started getting everything put into it's proper place, since I could get to those places now.  My life was getting back to being organized in the one area that needs to be that way for me to be able to craft!

It dawned on me, I had acquired some yarn and never took the time to show it to you.  I have a friend that is moving in the next 3 weeks and she is cleaning out her stash and has been having a stash sell for the past couple of month.  I have picked up some lovely fiber and am excited to figure out what I am going to do with it.  

Let's take a peek at what I got:

Here is some Amaizing yarn.  It is no longer made and I am having a bit of a problem finding just the right pattern for it.  It is 100% corn fiber and I have worked with corn before and love it.  This is kind of a puffy super skinny ribbon yarn.  I don't know if it would work for a shawl or maybe a baby blanket or what.  There is 800 yards of this, so I have plenty to work with.

You can not go wrong with Cascade 220 wool.  These two colors really complement each other and I am thinking of doing a nice warm shawl for my mom with them.  She seems to be cold all the time and wants something over her shoulders quite often to ward off the chill she feels.

Classic Cotton is one of my other favorites to work with.  I have not decided what to do with this yet.  I need to peruse patterns a bit more before I make a final decision.

The color on this did not show up as well as I was hoping.  This is Cascade Ultra Pima cotton in the colorway, Shamrock.  I so love this fiber.  I have made many sweaters out of it and it washes and wears great.  I have other colors in this fiber and may make another sweater using the color blocks that are so much fun.

Here we have Cau Cau.  I have never worked or heard of this fiber but it felt wonderful as I was winding it up.  I think it will make a nice top for a certain young lady that is also allergic to wool.

Last, but not least..............these were a couple of skeins she just threw into my bag.  She know I love to work with Cotton and I will probably make dishclothes out of these.

As of last posting from her, there is supposed to be more fiber posted this weekend and that will be the end of her sale.  The rest she will pack and put into storage as they are down sizing quite a bit.  I have had my eye on a few more skeins (mostly sock yarn) but am waiting for the rest to be posted and then will make a final decision as to what I really want/need.

I have been working on hubby's socks this week.  I added about 2 more inches on them and need another 2 before I start the fish kiss heels.  I am so excited to try this.

I also ordered some more double point needles in the Knitters Pride Nova Platina Cubics.  I think I truly do like doing socks one at a time from the cuff down.  For some reason the TAAT toe up have not made me happy like they used to.  Since the Cubics are so much easier on my arthritic hands, I decided to grab the 3 different sizes that I use most of the time.

In other news...........................I have acquired a life planner.  Lucy at Attic 24 got me interested in the idea.  I have been journaling now for quite a while and love it.  So.....the other day I was at Hobby Lobby and saw they had life planners and decided to go with it.  I have purchased the planner along with some sticker, extra note pages and extender rings.  It begins July 1 and goes through December of next year.  I am very excited to get started on it.  Not sure what all I will use it for.  I do imagine I will still use my journal each day, but this will be great to keep track of my crafting and fitness journey.  I will post photos of it as I begin to use it and decide how it will be used.

My date book is chock full for the next few weeks. My next day that I do not have anything planned is June 29th!  Shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone.  I will need a day off by then.

As for reading, I completed book 5 in the Blossom Street series by Debbie Macomber.  I started book 6 on Friday evening.  I love the way she makes her characters come to life.  

Other than this..................not much else to talk about.......this is long enough, don't you think?  Time for me to go and start working on that YoP 6 list.  

Until next time................happy crafting!


  1. Glad you found your mojo and a ME day sounds just the ticket. By the look of your date planner your going to need to declare another one on the 29th! Love all the new acquisitions and can't wait to see the projects that they become.

  2. Oh a me day sounds heavenly!! And all that stash.. how lovely to have a place to see it all and plan?

  3. Oh a me day sounds heavenly!! And all that stash.. how lovely to have a place to see it all and plan?

  4. You have to wait until June 29th for a day to yourself!! I think you need to de-program. I try to save EVERY Saturday or Sunday for myself. Yesterday we spent the afternoon walking through a provincial park on the shores of Lake Erie. I need that time to clear my head and fill my senses!

    Looks like you've got a bunch of great stuff from the destash! Lots of pretty colours and interesting fibres!

  5. Nothing like clearing a space and bringing some order for getting the mojo back. Just seeing the pictures of your newly acquired yarns and reading what you want to do with them increases MY mojo. :) Still thinking about a journal. Considering putting this on my YOP list for next year.

  6. So glad you got your mojo back!!! Loving the stash pictures! I can see how your mojo came back with all of those!!


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